A simple Ruby DSL for describing a Github bot. Github webhooks are the events that the bot must react to.
NOTE: This gem is under heavy development. It's quite possible there are some bugs. If you discover a bug do not panic. Simply open an issue for it and one of the contributers will fix it in no time. Also, Pull requests are always welcomed!
First, you need to install this gem. You need to have Ruby and Rubygems installed. $ gem install githook
What Github events and actions are supported?
issue_comment - Triggered when an issue comment.
Supported actions:created
issues - Triggered when an issue is assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, closed, or reopened.
Supported actions:assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, closed, reopened
pull_request - Triggered when a pull request is assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, closed, reopened, or synchronized (a new push to the branch that the pull request is tracking).
Supported actions:assigned, unassigned, labeled, unlabeled, opened, closed, reopened, synchronize
pull_request_review_comment - Triggered when a comment is created on a portion of the unified diff of a pull request.
Supported actions:created
require 'githook'
# You must provide an 'access_token' so that your bot is authorized to perform Github actions to your repos
mybot = <your-access-token>)
# When a pull_request event is received with action that is either 'opened' or 'reopened'
# then invoke block
mybot.on("pull_request").when("opened").when("reopened").perform do |pr|
if pr.description.empty?
pr.comment("Hey, add a description! You think we're mind readers!?")
if pr.title.contains?("cheese")
pr.comment("Why is there cheese in the title?")
# This will launch the bot server. In this example, /payload is the route that handles
# Github webhook requests. When no route is specified then it defaults to the root route.'/payload')