To install the gem, simply run:
gem install 'github-oauth'
Or the bundler equivalent:
bundle install 'github-oauth'
This shows you how to use the gem (here using sinatra routes).
require 'github-oauth'
get '/' do
unless session[:access_token]
redirect GithubOAuth.authorize_url('github_client_id', 'github_client_secret')
"You have authenticated"
get '/oauth' do
session[:access_token] = GithubOAuth.token('github_client_id', 'github_client_secret', params[:code])
redirect '/'
The main route checks whether we have a token saved in the database. If not, it redirects to Github for the user to authorize the application. The user is then returned to the /oauth path (specificed via the callback_url in the Github application settings), gets the token with the code parameter, and saves the token in a session variable.
If needed you can specify a specific scope for the authenticating user:
redirect GithubOAuth.authorize_url('github_client_id', 'github_client_secret', 'gist')
I'm planning on releasing my GithubAPI gem that takes this token and makes read/write operations to the Github API super simple.