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Utility for running actions on issue labels in groups of GitHub repositories


~> 3.3


~> 4.3
~> 4.0
 Project Readme

GitHub Labeler

GitHub Labeler helps you with bulk label operations on groups of GitHub repositories, such as adding a label to a set of repositories, or duplicating labels form one repository to another.

Built using Octokit, commander and the GitHub API.


gem install github_labeler


Run this to see the list of available commands and options, and also examples:

github_labeler help

Commands are executed like this:

github_labeler <command> [options]

Available commands:

  • add - Add one or more label to one or more repositories
  • delete - Delete one or more label from one or more repositories
  • recolor - Recolor one or more labels in one or more repositories
  • rename - Rename one or more labels in one or more repositories
  • duplicate - Duplicate labels from one repository to another
  • export - Export a list of labels from a repository or list of repositories
  • execute - Execute changes previously created by the program

To see the list of options and usage examples for a specific command, run this:

github_labeler help <command>

There are several global options:

  • --token - Tells github_labeler which token to use for making authenticated GitHub API calls. If --token is not used, github_labeler will look for it in the GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN environment variable. You can create a token here. The token needs to have public_repo scope if the repositories you're working with are public, or repo scope if the repositories you're working with are private.

  • --verbose - Tells github_labeler to output detailed debugging information to STDERR.

  • --execute - Tells github_labeler to execute the required changes immediately, without asking for confirmation. Without this option, you will be asked if you want to execute the changes. In addition, github_labeler will output the changes to STDOUT so you can redirect the output to a file and then use the execute command later to execute those changes.

Use cases and examples

Here are a few common use-cases and examples of running commands. Note: I've defined my GitHub token in the GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN so I don't need to specify it with every command.

Duplicate labels from one repository to another

Copy labels from repository izuzak/labels1 to repository izuzak/labels2:

github_labeler duplicate --source=izuzak/labels1 --destination=izuzak/labels2 --verbose

Add a label to a repository or list of repositories

Add label api with color c7def8 to a single repository:

github_labeler add -r izuzak/labels1 -l api#c7def8

Add the same label to a list of repositories:

github_labeler add -r repos.json -l api#c7def8

Where repos.json is a JSON file with the following format:

    "full_name": "izuzak/labels1"
    "full_name": "izuzak/labels2"

A simpler format can be used as well:

[ "izuzak/labels1", "izuzak/labels2" ]

You can get such a list from GitHub API endpoints which return a list of repositories, for example this: https://api.github.com/orgs/github/repos. The response will include a bunch of other fields, but those are ignored and only full_name is used by github_labeler.

Add a list of labels to a repository

Export the list of labels from one repository or construct the file manually:

github_labeler export -r izuzak/labels1 > labels.json

Make changes to the list of labels in labels.json, and then add them to a repository:

github_labeler add -l labels.json -r izuzak/labels2

Update labels

Rename a label design to ui in a single repository:

github_labeler rename -r izuzak/labels1 -l design/ui

Change the color of label ui to c7def8 in a single repository:

github_labeler recolor -r izuzak/labels1 -l ui#c7def8


  • If the remaining API rate limit is not enough to execute changes, allow the user to decide if at least some changes should be executed.

  • Catch exceptions from API responses, e.g. 401s or 404s, and recover gracefully.

  • Handle common errors, e.g. when the input JSON format is incorrect.

  • Tests. :(

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