Github Issues Port
Ever Felt the need of Exporting your Github Issues or Importing the issues in Github via a Excel. githubissues-port is your answer. .
githubissues-port can be used from the command line or as part of a Ruby web framework.
Sample Application
Sample Application with usage can be found here
To install the gem using terminal, run the following command:
gem install githubissues-port
To use it in rails application add the gem to the Gemfile:
gem "githubissues-port"
Basic Usage
githubissues-port can simply import or export issues from an Excel file.:
require 'githubissues-port'
require 'github_api'
your_github_username = '***********'
your_github_password = '***********'
owner = '***********'
repo = '***********'
connection = "#{your_github_username}:#{your_github_password}")
# The import mudule will import issues from Excel, creates an issue if the number blank, otherwise, updating an existing issue by looking up the issue number., owner, repo, 'import.xlsx', fields: ['title', 'labels'])
# The export module will export issues to Excel., owner, repo, 'export.xlsx', fields: ['number', 'title', 'body', 'labels'])
Contributions are welcomed. You can fork a repository, add your code changes to the forked branch, ensure all existing unit tests pass, create new unit tests cover your new changes and finally create a pull request.
After forking and then cloning the repository locally, install Bundler and then use it to install the development gem dependecies:
gem install bundler
bundle install
githubissues-port this is complete, you should be able to run the test suite:
rake spec
Bug Reporting
Please use the Issues page to report bugs or suggest new enhancements.
githubissues-port has been published under MIT License