= posterous http://github.com/jordandobson/Posterous/tree/master == DESCRIPTION: The Posterous gem provides reading from and posting to Posterous.com, including (optional) authentication using email/password/[site id]. With this gem, you 1. Read entries from Posterous (added by Glenn Roberts) 2. Post an entry on posterous by providing these options a title, body text, date, tags, set to autopost, set private, posted by source name and a posted by source link to Posterous. You can include no options, all options or anything in between. == INSTALL: Original Gem sudo gem install posterous -include-dependencies GlennR's Gem [gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org] sudo gem install glennr-posterous In your project's environment.rb config.gem 'glennr-posterous', :source => 'http://gemcutter.org', :version => '>= 0.1.7', :lib => 'posterous' == TODO * Media files are not yet implemented * Images are not yet included * Check if a users email and password are a valid account * Check if a user has a valid site * Check if a specified site_id is valid for their account * Get their primary Site ID == SYNOPSIS: === READING Here is a contrived example; require 'posterous' reader = Posterous::Reader.new("siyelo", nil, 2) reader.response.each do |post| puts post['url'] puts post['link'] puts post['title'] puts post['body'] puts post['commentCount'] end === POSTING 1. Instantiate your account * You can provide just the email and password account = Posterous::Client.new('email_address', 'password') * Or you can provide the ID as a string or integer account = Posterous::Client.new('email_address', 'password', 68710) account = Posterous::Client.new('email_address', 'password', '68710') 2. Get more info about the user's account if you need it * Check if the user is valid account.valid_user? * Check if the user has a site AND if you've entered a Site ID, check it's valid too account.has_site? * Get the users primary site ID (In case they have multiple sites) account.primary_site * Get a list of your sites and additional info account.account_info 3. Setup your post with any or all of these optional fields * You can set your id at this point or at the begining when it's instantiated account.site_id = account.get_primary_site or specific site ID * Set these optional fields account.title = "My Title" account.body = "My Body Text" account.source = "Glue" account.source_url = "http://GlueNow.com" account.tags = ["Glue", "Posterous", "Ruby", "Made By Squad"] account.date = Time.now * Call the set_to method with either :private or :autopost to apply that setting account.set_to :private account.set_to :autopost 4. Add your post to Posterous.com * Set this to a variable to work with the response response = account.add_post 5. You get a success or error hash back or nil * Your response should look something like this if successful response #=> { "rsp" => { "post" => { "title" => "My Title", "url" => "http://post.ly/dFW", "id" => "848898", "longurl" => "http://glue.posterous.com/687985" }, "stat" => "ok" } } * See the tests for this gem for failure responses and responses for other methods == MORE INFO * Posting URL http://posterous.com/api/newpost * IMPLEMENTED FIELDS "site_id" Optional. Id of the site to post to. "title" Optional. Title of post "body" Optional. Body of post "source" Optional. The name of your application or website "sourceLink" Optional. Link to your application or website "date" Optional. In GMT. Any parsable format. Cannot be in the future. "tags" Optional. Comma separate tags "autopost" Optional. 0 or 1. "private" Optional. 0 or 1. * UNIMPLEMENTED FIELDS - These will likely be implemented in a future release "media" Optional. File data. Multiple files OK == REQUIREMENTS: * HTTPparty * Mocha (For Tests) == LICENSE: (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2009 Jordan Dobson Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
The Posterous gem provides reading & posting from/to Posterous.com using your email, password, site id(if you have multiple sites) and your blog content.
>= 1.8.3
Project Readme