Greip Ruby Gem
The official Ruby Gem of Greip API
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Add this line to your application's Gemfile
gem 'greip'
Then run the following command in your terminal:
bundle install
Or, install it with the following command:
gem install greip
Here's how you can use the Greip Gem in your Ruby project:
1. IP Lookup Method
Use this method to retrieve the information of a given IP address.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data = handler.lookup({ ip: "", params: ["security", "timezone", "currency"], lang: "EN", mode: "live" })
puts data
2. IP Threats Method
Use this method to retrieve threat intelligence information associated with a given IP address.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data = handler.threats({ ip: "", mode: "live" })
puts data
3. Bulk IP Lookup Method
You can use this method to retrieve the information of multiple IP addresses (no need to use the Lookup method inside a loop).
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data = handler.bulk_lookup({ ips: ["", ""], params: ["security", "timezone", "currency"], lang: "EN", mode: "live" })
puts data
4. ASN Lookup Method
In this method, Greip will help you lookup any given AS Number and returning all data related to it, like: name, org (the organization name), country, domain, email, phone, totalIPs, list of all routes (v4 & v6) related the given AS Number, etc.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data = handler.asn({ asn: "AS01", mode: "live" })
puts data
5. Profanity Detection Method
This method can be used to detect abuse of your website/app. It’s a great way to know more about your user inputs and whether they contain profanity (bad words) or not before releasing them to the public.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data = handler.profanity({ text: "This is just a normal text", lang: "EN", mode: "live" })
puts data
6. Country Lookup Method
This method can help you retrieve information of the given country.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data ={ countryCode: "PS", params: ["timezone", "currency"], lang: "EN", mode: "live" })
puts data
7. Email Validation Method
This method provides an additional layer of validation for your system. While validating email syntax is important, it is not sufficient.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data = handler.email_validation({ email: "", mode: "live" })
puts data
8. Phone Validation Method
This method can be used as an extra-layer of your system for validating phone numbers. It validates phone number syntax and valid-possibility.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data = handler.phone_validation({ phone: "1234567890", countryCode: "TR", mode: "live" })
puts data
9. Payment Fraud Prevention Method
Prevent financial losses by deploying AI-Powered modules.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
payload = {
action: "purchase",
website_domain: "",
website_name: "",
merchant_id: 21,
shipment_id: 1,
transaction_id: 100,
transaction_amount: 1000000,
transaction_currency: "GBP",
cart_items: {
item_id: 1,
item_name: "Product name",
item_quantity: 1,
item_price: "1100.55",
item_category_id: 1,
isDigitalProducts: true,
coupon: "ASDF",
customer_id: 1,
customer_firstname: "First",
customer_lastname: "Last",
customer_pob: "London",
customer_ip: "",
customer_country: "GB",
customer_region: "London",
customer_city: "London",
customer_zip: "NW10 7PQ",
customer_street: "7 Coronation Road",
customer_street2: "",
customer_latitude: 0.123,
customer_longitude: 0.123,
customer_device_id: "UNIQUE_DEVICE_ID",
customer_phone: "000000000",
customer_registration_date: 1677554670,
customer_balance: "1000.00",
customer_dob: "1997-19-05",
customer_email: "",
customer_2fa: true,
customer_useragent: "Mozill almaden sdfwer",
shipping_country: "GB",
shipping_region: "London",
shipping_city: "London",
shipping_zip: "NW10 7PQ",
shipping_street: "7 Coronation Road",
shipping_street2: "",
shipping_latitude: 0.123,
shipping_longitude: 0.123,
billing_country: "GB",
billing_region: "London",
billing_city: "London",
billing_zip: "NW10 7PQ",
billing_street: "7 Coronation Road",
billing_street2: "",
billing_latitude: 0.123,
billing_longitude: 0.123,
payment_type: "applepay",
card_name: "First Last",
card_number: "1234XXXXXXXX1234",
card_expiry: "29/05",
cvv_result: true,
data = handler.payment_fraud({ data: payload })
puts data
10. IBAN Validation Method
This method allows you to validate International Bank Account Numbers (IBANs) and retrieve additional information about the country associated with the IBAN.
require 'greip'
access_token = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
handler = Greip.create(access_token)
data = handler.iban_validation({ iban: "BY86AKBB10100000002966000000" })
puts data
Options, Methods and More
You can find the full guide of this package by visiting our Documentation Page.