Guard BOSH is a Guard plugin to make it easier to develop BOSH releases.
Currently it will monitor your templates and a deployment manifest for any changes and report missing BOSH properties or template errors.
Example setup
$ git clone
$ cd cf-rabbitmq-release
# Create a Gemfile, or add guard and guard-bosh to your existing Gemfile
$ if [ ! -f 'Gemfile' ]; then echo "source ''" > Gemfile; fi
$ echo "gem 'guard'" >> Gemfile
$ echo "gem 'guard-bosh'" >> Gemfile
$ bundle
# Generate a Guardfile you can then customise
$ bundle exec guard init
Guard BOSH requires a manifest to work. Update the references to the manifest in the generated Guardfile:
$ gsed -i 's|path/to/manifest.yml|manifests/cf-rabbitmq-lite.yml|' Guardfile
# For Rabbit we need to tell it to monitor the manifests directory
# rather than the templates directory.
$ gsed -i 's|%w(jobs templates)|%w(jobs manifests)|' Guardfile
Now we can start Guard:
$ bundle exec guard
You can review the backlog for Guard BOSH on the public Pivotal Tracker project.