This is a dirty little Ruby program to export a Habari blog to markdown format. I used it to avoid installing PHP on a small VPS in order to run a tiny blog of ~2000 posts.
The program makes a few assumptions about your setup, and this conditions what you should expect to get from it.
- It will connect to a MariaDB/MySQL database,
- fetch all of its posts and:
dump one file per published post in the
directory ; -
use a filename like
are the year, month, and month day when a particular post was published ; -
and format a post header with:
title: The original post title author: The author's username
This process can be pretty specific, and if it does not fit your setup, feel free to file an issue or, better, send a pull-request. ;)
- Ruby >= 1.9
- Python >= 2.x
gem install habari2md
$ habari2md -h
Usage: habari2md [options]
-o, --output [DIR] Output directory
-s, --host [HOST] Database host
-d, --db [DB] Database name
-u, --user [USER] Database user
-p, --password [PASS] Database password
-h, --help Show this message
$ habari2md -o foobar -d my_blog_database -h localhost -u sql_user -p sql_password
I, [2014-01-08T23:31:20.771303 #74090] INFO -- : Exporting 12345 posts...
I, [2014-01-08T23:31:50.618731 #74090] INFO -- : 50% to go
I, [2014-01-08T23:32:20.081583 #74090] INFO -- : We're done.
D, [2014-01-08T23:32:20.083582 #74090] DEBUG -- : Terminating 6 actors...
W, [2014-01-08T23:32:20.084398 #74090] WARN -- : Terminating task: type=:finalizer, meta={:method_name=>:__shutdown__}, status=:callwait
GPL 3.0
Note: this distribution contains Aaron Swartz html2text GPL licensed program. As a matter of fact, we fork one process to convert each post from HTML to Markdown, yay!