Hacker ToDo List
Hacker ToDo List is a command line to-do list, primarily for hackers who do not like to take their hands off the keyboard. Hacker ToDO List is available as a gem
Hacker ToDo List is integrated with github and all your todo's are stored as private gists. So, you need not worry about your to-do's when you switch from your office machine to your home machine. Just provide your github credentials, your todo's will be synced.
gem install hacker_todo_list
> require "hacker_todo_list"
> todo_list = HackerToDo::ToDoList.new
Username: manjunath-nm89
> todo_list.add "Create a ruby gem \nUpdate the version \nLearn to play Guitar"
ToDo added successfully.
Hacker ToDo List:
1. Create a ruby gem
2. Update the version
3. Learn to play Guitar
> todo_list.delete 1 2
ToDo deleted successfully.
Hacker ToDo List:
1. Learn to play Guitar
> todo_list.list
Hacker ToDo List:
1. Learn to play Guitar
ToDo Application
I have setup a client which uses the Hacker ToDO List gem. Check it out, this file can be made as an executable and used as a ToDo application.
> gem install "hacker_todo_list"
> echo "alias hacker_todo='ruby path/to/hacker_todo_list_client.rb'" >> ~/.bashrc
> source ~/.bashrc (or open a new terminal)
Now from anywhere, you can do,
> hacker_todo add "Go to the grocery store"
> hacker_todo delete 1
> hacker_todo