Katello commands for Hammer CLI
This plugin provides same set of commands as katello CLI.
by inspection of Katello CLI we generate JSON description of its commands. This plugin can load the description and build equivalent set of commands for Hammer CLI.
How to use
clone the plugin
$ git clone git@github.com:theforeman/hammer-cli-katello-bridge.git
$ cd hammer-cli-katello-bridge
$ rake install
$ cd ..
update the config similar to this
- hammer_cli_katello_bridge
:cli_description: '/tmp/katello.json'
#:username: admin
#:password: admin
$ hammer -h
SUBCOMMAND subcommand
[ARG] ... subcommand arguments
about status of the katello server and its subcomponents
activation_key activation key specific actions in the katello server
admin various administrative actions
changeset changeset specific actions in the katello server
client client specific actions in the katello server
content content namespace command
distribution repo specific actions in the katello server
distributor distributor specific actions in the katello server
environment environment specific actions in the katello server
errata errata specific actions in the katello server
gpg_key GPG key specific actions in the katello server
node node specific actions in the katello server
org organization specific actions in the katello server
package package specific actions in the katello server
package_group package group specific actions in the katello server
permission permission specific actions in the katello server
ping get the status of the katello server
product product specific actions in the katello server
provider provider specific actions in the katello server
puppet_module puppet module specific actions in the katello server
repo repo specific actions in the katello server
shell run the cli as a shell
sync_plan synchronization plan specific actions in the katello server
system system specific actions in the katello server
system_group system group specific actions in the katello server
task commands for retrieving task information
user user specific actions in the katello server
user_role user role specific actions in the katello server
version get the version of the katello server
-v, --verbose be verbose
-c, --config CFG_FILE path to custom config file
-u, --username USERNAME username to access the remote system
-p, --password PASSWORD password to access the remote system
--version show version
--show-ids Show ids of associated resources
--csv Output as CSV (same as --adapter=csv)
--adapter ADAPTER Set output format. One of [base, table, silent, csv]
-P, --ask-pass Ask for password
--autocomplete LINE Get list of possible endings
-h, --help print help
Username and password
There are multiple ways to specify Katello username and password. The priority is as follows (later one overrides the preceeding)
- in configuration as in the config sample
- in environment variable
- on command line
--username, --password
- interactive password prompt with