It's like your John Hancock for all of your company's apps.
A lot of this is extracted from our internal single sign on server at Engine Yard. You can easily add this middleware to authenticate your users with existing models.
An OpenID based Single Sign On server that provides:
- a single source for user authentication using openid
- integration with ruby frameworks via rack.
How it Works
This handshake seems kind of complex but it only happens when you need to validate a user session on the consumer.
Testing/Developing Locally
You need the Bundler to function.
% gem install bundler
% bundle install
% bundle exec rake
Deployment Setup
Ideally you just drop the middleware into your existing application.
- http://openid.net/specs/openid-authentication-2_0.html
- http://wiki.openid.net/OpenID_Authentication_2.0
- http://jystewart.net/process/2007/10/a-ruby-on-rails-openid-server/
- http://lists.openidenabled.com/pipermail/dev/2007-March/000347.html