Hangar is a Rails Engine that exposes your FactoryBot factories with a REST API available in the test environment only
Add Hangar to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'hangar', group: :test
Your application must use FactoryBot to manage its factories. Follow FactoryBot's documentation to add factories to your application.
Protecting tables from deletion
You may have special tables in your test database that should not be cleared by Hangar after a DELETE /
request (see below in Usage). In this case, create an initializer in your app as follows:
# config/initializers/hangar.rb
Hangar.do_not_delete = %w(very_important_things valuable_bitcoin_keys spatial_ref_sys) if defined?(Hangar)
Specifying DatabaseCleaner deletion strategy
Not all ORMs support the deletion strategy, such as mongoid. You can override the clean strategy being used by the DELETE /factories
request as follows:
# config/initializers/hangar.rb
Hangar.clean_strategy = :truncation
Namespace Routes
In some instances you may want to namespace the routes auto-generated by Hangar.
# config/initializers/hangar.rb
Hangar.route_namespace = :hangar
Hangar will create two factory routes for each factory registered with FactoryBot. These routes mimic FactoryBot's create
and attributes_for
methods, respectively:
POST /posts
GET /posts/new
Both will respond with a JSON representation of the object.
Hangar also provides a route to clean the database after each test:
This returns 204 No Content when successful.
Overriding Factory Attributes
You may override factory properties on your GET and POST requests using JSON as follows:
{ "post": { "title": "Dolor Sit Amet" } }
Specifying Traits
You may specify factory traits on your GET and POST requests using JSON as follows:
To specify traits POST the JSON as follows:
{ "traits": ["published"] }
Specifying Returned JSON Attributes
Specifying JSON attributes to return is the same as the ActiveModel::Serializer's as_json() include option. In the below examples, comments is a has_many association of our model.
To include associations POST the JSON as follows:
{ "include": "comments" }
To specify which attributes to include on associations, POST the JSON as follows: { "include": { "comments": { "only": "text" } } }
In this case, text is an attribute on our comments model.
You must include the following headers with your requests:
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json
Factory: hangar
Hangar is designed to run in the test environment only. A warning will be displayed if it is loaded in any other environment.
##For Contributors
Clone the github repository:
git clone https://github.com/faradayio/hangar.git
cd hangar
bundle install
Hangar's test suite runs against the included test application. Start that up with
rake spec
Corporate support
We use hangar
for marketing analytics at Faraday.
Copyright 2014 Andy Rossmeissl