This gem makes it easier to fetch data from the API of HelloAsso.
gem install hello-asso-api
# Fetch an organization by its id
organization = HelloAssoApi::Organization.fetch(60)
puts organization
# Fetch an organization by its slug
organization = HelloAssoApi::Organization.fetch('planete-i-d-e-a-l')
puts organization
# Fetch the list of all organizations
# You have to specify a page id because they paginate their results
list = HelloAssoApi::Organization.fetchAll(1)
puts list
# Get the URL to process a donation
params = {
'oid' => 1337,
'reference' => CGI::escape('the-reference-of-the-donation'),
'appId' => 'your-api-key',
'urlCallback' => CGI::escape('your callback url'),
'email' => CGI::escape('me@example.com'),
'title' => 0, # 0: Mr. - 1: Mrs
'name' => CGI::escape('Lastname'),
'firstName' => CGI::escape('Firstname'),
'address' => CGI::escape('Address'),
'zipCode' => 13337, # 5 digits
'city' => CGI::escape('Paris'),
'amount' => 400, # amount in cents of euros
'tip' => 100, # the tip amount to send to HelloAsso, can be zero.
'frequency' => 'ONCE', # 'ONCE': only one payment - 'REGULAR': a payment every month
'dueDate' => nil, # the debit day - only for 'REGULAR' payments
'country' => CGI::escape('France'),
'urlEffectue' => CGI::escape('http://example.com/success'), # return url of a succeeded payment
'urlAnnule' => CGI::escape('http://example.com/error'), # return url of a payment error
'urlRefuse' => CGI::escape('http://example.com/refused'), # return url of a refused payment
'use' => 'WEB', # The current platform of the user: 'WEB' or 'MOBILE'
'mode' => 'PREPROD', # Do your testing in 'PREPROD' mode and switch to 'PROD' once your website is in production
'company' => CGI::escape('Hodor'), # The company name of the user
'comment' => CGI::escape('Hodor huh huh Hodor?') # The user can leave a comment
url = HelloAssoApi::Donate.get_url(params)
puts url
# Then you need to redirect the user to this URL and HelloAsso will handle the rest.
# Once the payment is done and depending on if it was successful or not, there will be params to your callback URLs.
# Eg: http://example.com/success?reference=test-donation-0000002&Montant=500&ref=mfg-donation-13374242&auto=XXXXXX&trans=424242&erreur=00000&validite=1410