Heroku API Stub
Service stub for the Heroku API.
Will respond to all public endpoints of the Heroku API with a sample serialized response representing what data that endpoint would normal return. Useful in development and testing situations where real API calls might result in inconvienent manipulation of real data.
Run Standalone
The Heroku API stub can be run from within its own project:
bundle install
bundle exec bin/heroku-api-stub
curl -i -H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3" --user :anything http://localhost:4000/apps/anything
In Project
It can also be added to another project to help facilitate sane interactions
during development. Add this to your Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org"
group :development do
gem "heroku_api_stub"
Now the stub can be booted from within a Procfile
heroku_api_stub: bundle exec heroku-api-stub --port $PORT
In Tests
The API mock is fully usable in a testing environment, and bundles testing helpers that use Webmock. Add something like the following to your Gemfile
source "https://rubygems.org"
group :test do
gem "excon" # only required for this example
gem "heroku_api_stub", require: ["heroku_api_stub", "heroku_api_stub/test"]
gem "rspec" # only required for this example
gem "webmock"
A simple usage example from within a test might look something like this:
describe "Stub Example" do
before do
@api = Excon.new(
headers: {
"Accept" => "application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3",
it "connects" do
@api.get(path: "/apps/anything", expects: 200)
The stub's default routes can also be easily overridden to test your code against error conditions or other special casing. The following test will fail:
it "handles an error" do
HerokuAPIStub.initialize do
get "/apps/:id" do
# this will fail
@api.get(path: "/apps/anything", expects: 404)
Deploy to Platform
The stub is also easily deployable against a platform like Heroku. It's also possible to just use ours at https://api-stub.heroku.com.
heroku create
git push heroku master
Run the test suite using Rake: