Human URLs
Human URLs is an intentionally simple and straight forward way to add slugs to a Rails application.
Because of its simplicity Human URLs currently does not have an option to store a history of changed slugs. If you are looking for this functionality, check out FriendlyId.
Human URLs is a Rails engine tested against Rails >= 4.1 and Ruby >= 2.0.0. To get started, add Human URLs to your Gemfile and bundle install.
gem 'human_urls'
Basic Use
Human URLs stores the slugs in the DB so we'll need to generate a migration to add the slugs to the model. Generate a migration that adds the following:
class AddSlugToPost< ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :posts, :slug, :string
add_index :posts, :slug, unique: true
You can see we add a string column for the slug to be stored and then we index it since it will be unique.
Alternatively you can just use the generator to do this for you:
rails generate slug_migration Post
Once the DB is ready, include the HumanUrls::Sluggable module in your model and call the 'sluggify' method:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
include HumanUrls::Sluggable
Next you'll probably want to make sure you add some validation to make sure slugs are unique:
validates_uniqueness_of :slug, case_sensitive: false
Lastly, you'll just want to make an interface on the view layer so you can create your slugs.
Auto Slugs
If you choose, you can specify a column to generate a slug from:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
include HumanUrls::Sluggable
sluggify :slug, generated_from: :title
This will automagically generate a slug from the title, if no slug is specified.
In the Controller
Finding your model in the controller will be a little different. Instead of finding the model by the ID, you'll need to find the model by the slug:
def show
@post = Post.find_by_slug!(params[:id])