Printing bold text HTML tags in the HumbleRPi-plugin-mtp gem
require 'humble_rpi-plugin-mtp'
mtp =
mtp.on_printer_message '<p>this is a test of the <b>bold</b> text</p>'
- The impact of the bold text is relatively light compared to what you may be used to.
- The message must start with opening angle bracket to enable the printing of an HTML string, otherwise regular text is printed.
Introducing the Humble RPi Plugin Mini Thermal Printer gem
require 'humble_rpi-plugin-mtp'
mtp =
mtp.on_printer_message 'The weather today is 17 degrees and cloudy'
The above code is for testing purposes only. This gem is designed to be used as a plugin with the HumbleRPi gem. The sub topic printer is used to subscribe to the topic relative to the name associated with the Raspberry Pi. If the Pi was called 'Aida', the full topic to be subscribed to would be 'HumbleRPi/root/aida/printer'. Which in this example would make the fully qualified Simple Pub Sub message appears as follows:
HumbleRPi/root/aida/printer: The weather today is 17 degrees and cloudy
Which would send to the printer the datetime stamp followed by the message e.g.
2015-08-27 21:46:56 +0000 The weather today is 17 degrees and cloudy
- Introducing the SerialPort Mini Thermal Printer gem
- humble_rpi-plugin-mtp
humblerpi plugin mtp thermalprinter