Ruby and R code for working with a Neurosky Mindset
Mindset gem
The gem provides the mindset_capture utility:
bash$ mindset_capture -h
Usage: mindset_capture.rb [-aehjqrvw] [-sn num] [DEVICE]
* DEVICE defaults to /dev/rfcomm0
* Ctrl-C will terminate if both -s and -n are not set
* JSON output will only be written on exit.
-a, --all Capture all data types
-e, --esense Capture eSense (attention, meditation) data
-q, --quality Capture signal quality data
-r, --raw Capture raw wave data
-w, --wave Capture ASIC brainwave data [default]
-j, --json Generate JSON output
-s, --seconds n Capture for n seconds
-n, --num n Capture up to n data points
-v, --verbose Show debug output
-h, --help Show help screen
bash$ mindset_capture -aj -s 300 > eeg_data.json
To run from the repo, set the RUBYLIB to include the lib subdir:
bash$ RUBYLIB=lib bin/mindset_capture -h
The gem provides the Mindset module, which contains the Device, Connection, Packet, and PacketStore objects.
require 'mindset'
device = Mindset::Device.start
device.connect(options.device) do |conn|
cont = true
while cont
packets = conn.read_packet
packets.each { |pkt| puts pkt.inspect }
rescue Mindset::Connection::TimeoutError, Interrupt => e
cont = false
Using a MindSet under Linux
GUI Tools
The MindSet can be connected as a Serial Device (and also an Audio Sink or a
HandsFree device) in Blueman (blueman-manager
1. Enable pairing on MindSet
2. Click Search in BlueMan
3. Select MindSet device in BlueMan
4. Click on Pair in BlueMan
5. Enter default PIN (0000)
1. In BlueMan, right-click on MindSet
and select "Connect To: Dev B" (serial connector icon).
This will connect to the next available rfcomm device,
usually /dev/rfcomm0.
2. Run capture utility ONCE
3. In BlueMan, right-click on MindSet
and select "Disconnect: Dev B"
4. Quit BlueMan
5. Restart the bluetooth service to release rfcomm0
bash$ sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop
bash$ sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start
Note that steps 4 and 5 are required due to bugs in either BlueMan or the Linux Bluetooth daemon. According to bug 495696, it's BlueMan at fault: http://bugs.launchpad.net/blueman/+bug/495696
CLI Tools Connecting with the command line tools does not appear to work. This seems to be a problem with rfcomm.
Pairing with BlueZ
NOTE: Be sure BlueMan (and the accompany blueman-applet) are not running, as they will conflict with the command line tools. Before closing BlueMan, remove the MindSet from the list of recognized devices. Restart the system Bluetooth daemon.
1. Run `hcitool scan` to get the bluetooth address of the Mindset
2. Run `bluez-simple-agent hci0 ##:##:##:##:##:##` to pair the
device. If the device is already connected, run
`bluez-simple-agent hci0 ##:##:##:##:##:## remove` to unpair the
device, then attempt to pair again. The slower reader may not be
aware that "##:##:##:##:##:##" should be replaced with the
hardware address returned by `hciutil scan`.
Connecting once Paired
Add an entry to /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf:
rfcomm0 {
bind yes;
device ##:##:##:##:##:##;
channel 3;
comment "MINDSET Device";
Now connect on the command-line with: bash$ sudo rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm0
Note: This does not release the device correctly when closed.
To connect without using the config file:
bash$ sudo rfcomm connect /dev/rfcomm0 ##:##:##:##:##:## 3
This seems to disconnect almost immediately. Probably yet-another-bug with rfcomm.
Alternate Method:
sudo bluez-test-device create ##:##:##:##:##:## sudo bluez-test-device trusted ##:##:##:##:##:## yes sudo bluez-test-serial ##:##:##:##:##:## 3 or sudo bluez-test-serial ##:##:##:##:##:## spp
Neurosky Applications
The Brainwave Visualizer will install and run under WINE, but it does not seem able to read from the COM port. This may just need some debugging.
bash$ cd ~/.wine/dosdevices
bash$ ln -s /dev/rfcomm0 com1
bash$ sudo chmod a+rwx /dev/rfcomm0 # no, this does not help either