What is hydra-file_characterization?
Provides a wrapper for file characterization.
Supported versions
This software is currently tested against:
- FITS 1.4.1
- Ruby 2.6, 2.7, and 3.0
- Rails 6.0, 6.1, and 7.0
Product Owner & Maintenance
was a Core Component of the Samvera Community. Given a decline in available labor required for maintenance, this project no longer has a dedicated Product Owner. The documentation for what this means can be found here.
Product Owner
Until a Product Owner has been identified, we ask that you please direct all requests for support, bug reports, and general questions to the #dev
Channel on the Samvera Slack.
The Samvera community is here to help. Please see our support guide.
Getting Started
If you are using Rails add the following to an initializer (./config/initializers/hydra-file_characterization_config.rb):
Hydra::FileCharacterization.configure do |config|
config.tool_path(:fits, '/path/to/fits')
Hydra::FileCharacterization.characterize(File.read(filename), File.basename(filename), :fits)
- Why
? To highlight that we want a string. In the case of ActiveFedora, we have a StringIO instead of a file. - Why
? In the case of Fits, the characterization takes cues from the extension name.
You can call a single characterizer...
xml_string = Hydra::FileCharacterization.characterize(File.read("/path/to/my/file.rb"), 'file.rb', :fits)
...for this particular call, you can specify custom fits path...
xml_string = Hydra::FileCharacterization.characterize(contents_of_a_file, 'file.rb', :fits) do |config|
config[:fits] = './really/custom/path/to/fits'
...or even make the path callable...
xml_string = Hydra::FileCharacterization.characterize(contents_of_a_file, 'file.rb', :fits) do |config|
config[:fits] = lambda {|filename| … }
...or even create your custom characterizer on the file...
xml_string = Hydra::FileCharacterization.characterize(contents_of_a_file, 'file.rb', :my_characterizer) do |config|
config[:my_characterizer] = lambda {|filename| … }
You can also call multiple characterizers at the same time.
fits_xml, ffprobe_xml = Hydra::FileCharacterization.characterize(contents_of_a_file, 'file.rb', :fits, :ffprobe)
Registering New Characterizers
This is possible by adding a characterizer to the Hydra::FileCharacterization::Characterizers
Running the tests:
- Install FITS v1.4.1, which is the most recent version we've tested against.
mkdir ~/fits
wget "https://github.com/harvard-lts/fits/releases/download/1.4.1/fits-1.4.1.zip"
unzip -d ~/fits/ "fits-1.4.1.zip"
chmod a+x ~/fits/fits.sh
ln -s ~/fits/fits.sh ~/fits/fits
rm "fits-1.4.1.zip"
- Once FITS is installed, you should be able to run the tests with:
rspec spec
If you're working on PR for this project, create a feature branch off of main
This repository follows the Samvera Community Code of Conduct and language recommendations. Please do not create a branch called master
for this repository or as part of your pull request; the branch will either need to be removed or renamed before it can be considered for inclusion in the code base and history of this repository.
bundle install
- Increase the version number in
- Increase the same version number in
- Update
by running this command:
github_changelog_generator --user samvera --project hydra-file_characterization --token YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN_HERE
- Commit these changes to the master branch
- Run
rake release
This software has been developed by and is brought to you by the Samvera community. Learn more at the Samvera website.