This gem provides a set of RSpec matchers to allow relative comparisons of images.
e.g. User.image.should look_like(otherimage)
The gem relies on ImageMagick being installed and available from the command line as it utilizes its identify
The gem has only been tested with Rails 3.0 & 3.1 with the asset pipeline and RSpec 2; it has also only been tested with ImageMagick V6.x.
Include the gem in your Gemfile:
gem 'image_spec'
include the matchers in your spec_helper.rb:
require 'image_spec/matchers'
Allows you to test that an image is within a 1% of the expected image, e.g.:
actual.should look_like(expected)
user.picture.path(:thumb).should look_like(fixtures('member_picture/thumb/test.png'))
Test if a page contains an image that is like the stated image, e.g.:
rendered.should have_image_that_looks_like(expected)