Want to extract useful information about your favorite Movies, TV shows, Episodes, and Games? Look no further than our data extraction library! All the information you need is a method call away.
Quick links
Getting Started
Start by including imdb_title
in your Gemfile:
gem 'imdb_title'
Then run bundle install
or run this command in your console to install gem locally:
gem install imdb_title
Here's an example
require 'imdb_title'
# input a valid URL of any Movie, Tv-Show, Episode or Game from
movie ="")
movie.title #=> The Shawshank Redemption
movie.tagline #=> Over the course of several years, two convicts...
movie.genres #=> ["Drama"]
movie.revenue #=> $28,884,716
movie.ancestors #=> [IMDb::Title, Object, PP::ObjectMixin, ...]
movie.singleton_class.ancestors #=> <Class:#<IMDb::Title:0x00007f4a0bf22a40>>, Movie, NonInteractive, IMDb::Title, Object, PP::ObjectMixin, ...]
Available Methods
- title
- tagline
- genres
- ratings
- popularity
- directors
- production_companies
- casts
- release_date
- imdb_id
- url
- duration
- budget
- revenue
Methods that return
- casts
- genres
- directors
- production_companies
All other methods will return
If you have problems, please create a GitHub Issue.
Take a look at the Contributing document for instructions on setting up the repo on your machine, understanding the codebase, and creating a good pull request.
Thank you, contributors!
ImdbTitle follows Semantic Versioning 2.0 as defined at
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.