including¶ ↑
An observation: Other languages allow for more granular loading of only desired methods and functions from module code.
An experiment: How might this be done in Ruby?
A warning: Running this code in production might not be wise.
How does it work?¶ ↑
Let’s say you’ve got a module:
module Foo def foo "foo" end def bar "bar" end def baz "baz" end end
And you want to mix it in to a class. But wait! the ‘foo` method might conflict with some other `foo`!
class Bar including Foo, except: "foo" end bar = # "bar" # NoMethodError
That’s basically it. You can pass an array of ‘only` the methods you’d like to mix in, or an array of exceptions, via ‘except`.
class Quux including Foo, only: [:foo, :baz] end quux = # "foo" # NoMethodError quux.baz # "baz"
Installation¶ ↑
gem install including
Copyright¶ ↑
Copyright © 2012 Bryan Woods. See LICENSE.txt for further details.