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Wrap your objects with a helper to easily list them


~> 1.6
>= 3.2, < 5
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>= 3.2, < 6
>= 3.2, < 6
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Inspired by plataformatec/show_for, IndexFor allows you to quickly list models information with I18n features.

<%= index_for @users do |u| %>
  <%= u.attribute :name %>
  <%= u.attribute :"profile.nickname" %>
  <%= u.attribute :confirmed? %>
  <%= u.attribute :created_at, :format => :short %>
  <%= u.attribute :last_sign_in_at, :if_blank => "User did not access yet",
                  :html => { :id => "sign_in_timestamp" } %>

  <%= u.attribute :photo do |user| %>
    <%= image_tag(user.photo_url) %>
  <% end %>

  <%= u.attribute :tags, :to_sentence => true %>

  <%= u.ations :all %>
<% end %>


Install the gem by adding it to your Gemfile and bundle it up:

gem 'index_for', github: 'bbtfr/index_for'

Run the generator:

rails generate index_for:install

And you are ready to go.

Note: This gem is only supported with Rails 3.2 and 4, so if you want to use it with older versions of Rails, check out other similar gems, such as wice_grid or datagrid.


IndexFor allows you to quickly list models information with I18n features.

<%= index_for @admins do |a| %>
  <%= a.attribute :name %>
  <%= a.attribute :login, :with => :upcase %>
  <%= a.attribute :username, :value => :human_login %>
  <%= a.attribute :confirmed? %>
  <%= a.attribute :created_at, :format => :short %>
  <%= a.attribute :last_sign_in_at, :if_blank => "Administrator did not access yet"
                  :html => { :id => "sign_in_timestamp" } %>

  <%= a.attribute :photo do |admin| %>
    <%= image_tag(admin.photo_url) %>
  <% end %>

  <%= a.fields_for :photo do |t| %>
    <%= t.attribute :width %>
    <%= t.attribute :height %>
  <% end %>

  <%= a.attribute :tags, :with => :to_sentence %>

  <%= a.attribute :tags, :collection_tag => :ol, :collection_column_tag => :li %>

  <%= a.attribute :tags do |admin| %>
    <%= admin.tags.to_sentence.upcase %>
  <% end %>

  <%= a.attribute :raise_error, value: :"method_return_nil.other_method", if_raise: nil %>

  <% a.actions :all %>
<% end %>

Will generate something like:

<table class="index_for admins table" id="admins">
    <tr class="admin">
      <th class="attr_name"> Name </th>
      <th class="attr_login"> Login </th>
      <th class="attr_username"> Username </th>
      <th class="attr_confirmed"> Confirmed? </th>
      <th class="attr_created_at"> Created at </th>
      <th id="sign_in_timestamp" class="attr_last_sign_in_at"> 
        Last sign in at 
      <th class="attr_photo"> Photo </th>
      <th class="attr_biography"> Biography </th>
      <th class="attr_tags"> Tags </th>
      <th class="attr_tags"> Tags </th>
      <th class="attr_tags"> Tags </th>
      <th class="attr_tags"> Tags </th>
      <th class="attr_tags"> Raise Error </th>
      <th class="actions"> Actions </th>
    <tr class="admin" id="admin_1">
      <td class="attr_name"> José Valim </td>
      <td class="attr_login"> JVALIM </td>
      <td class="attr_username"> Jvalim </td>
      <td class="attr_confirmed"> Yes </td>
      <td class="attr_created_at"> 13/12/2009 - 19h17 </td>
      <td id="sign_in_timestamp" class="attr_last_sign_in_at">
        Administrator did not access yet
      <td class="attr_photo"> <img src="path/to/photo" /> </td>

      <td class="attr_photo_width"> 600 </td>
      <td class="attr_photo_height"> 800 </td>

      <td class="attr_biography">
        Etiam porttitor eros ut diam vestibulum et blandit lectus tempor. Donec
        venenatis fermentum nunc ac dignissim. Pellentesque volutpat eros quis enim
        mollis bibendum. Ut cursus sem ac sem accumsan nec porttitor felis luctus.
        Sed purus nunc, auctor vitae consectetur pharetra, tristique non nisi.

      <td class="attr_tags"> eros, sem and accumsan </td>
      <td class="attr_tags">
      <td class="attr_tags"> EROS, SEM AND ACCUMSAN </td>

      <td class="attr_raise_error">
        Not specified

      <td class="actions">
        <a class="action action_show" href="/admins/1">Show</a>
        <a class="action action_edit" href="/admins/1/edit">Edit</a>
        <a class="action action_destroy" href="/admins/1" data-method="delete" data-confirm="Are you sure?">Delete</a>

You can also show a list of attributes, useful if you don't need to change any configuration:

<%= index_for @admins do |a| %>
  <%= a.attributes :name, :confirmed?, :created_at %>
<% end %>

This gem also implements a helper method show_for to quickly show a model information with I18n features, which is yet another implementation of plataformatec/show_for and will generate a description list (dl/dt/dd) by default.

<%= show_for @admin do |a| %>
  <%= a.attribute :name %>
  <%= a.attribute :login, :with => :upcase %>
  <%= a.attribute :username, :value => :human_login %>
  <%= a.attribute :confirmed? %>
  <%= a.attribute :created_at, :format => :short %>
  <%= a.attribute :last_sign_in_at, :if_blank => "Administrator did not access yet"
                  :html => { :id => "sign_in_timestamp" } %>

  <%= a.attribute :photo do |admin| %>
    <%= image_tag(admin.photo_url) %>
  <% end %>

  <%= a.attribute :tags, :with => :to_sentence %>

  <%= a.label :login %>
  <%= a.content :username %>
<% end %>

Value lookup

IndexFor uses the following sequence to get the attribute value:

  • use the output of a block argument if given
  • use the output of the :value argument if given
  • use the output of the :with argument if given
  • retrieve the attribute directly.
  • attribute name :"#{method1}.#{method2}" is allowed, which will use the output of object.method1.method2, you can call a method chain in this way.


IndexFor handles a series of options. Those are:

For attribute:

  • :format - Sent to I18n.localize when the attribute is a date/time object.

  • :value - Can be used instead of block. If a Symbol is called as instance method.

  • :with - Can be used to format output. It will effect same as attribute name :"#{attribute_name}.#{options[:with]}".

  • :if_blank - An object to be used if the value is blank. Not escaped as well.

  • :if_raise - What to display when an error raised, raise an error by default.

  • :collection_tag, :collection_column_tag - Wrapper with these tags when the attribute is an array or a hash.

  • :label - Overwrite the default label.

For action_link:

  • :url - link_path used for link_to, polymorphic_url by default.

  • :method - rails-ujs data-method.

  • :confirm - rails-ujs data-confirm.

For index_for, fields_for:

  • :model - Model Class, used for generating i18n table header or description list label, ActiveRecord::Relation#klass / Array#first.class by default.


IndexFor also exposes the actions method. In case you want to use the action links:

<%= index_for @admins do |a| %>
  <%# :all means :show, :edit, :destroy %>
  <%= a.actions :all %>

  <%= a.actions :show, :edit %>
<% end %>

Optionally, if you want to customize the inner part of the action link (e.g. using your own link), you can do so by using action_link method that will be called with a routable action for the resource, or a block. E.g.:

<%= index_for @admins do |a| %>
  <%= a.actions do |act| %>
    <%= act.action_link :show %>

    <%= act.action_link :cancel, data: { method: :delete } %>

    <%= act.action_link :cancel do |admin| %>
      <%= link_to "Cancel", cancel_admin_path(admin), data: { method: :delete } %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

If you want to use action links without index_for table, E.g.: in you show page, you can call this helper method index_for_actions

<%= index_for_actions @admin, :all %>


Bugs and Feedback

If you discover any bugs or want to drop a line, feel free to create an issue on GitHub.

MIT License.