Another interaction library for Ruby, with an interesting twist: the user can go back in time to re-answer questions.
Copyright 2011, Alex Suraci. Licensed under BSD license, please see the LICENSE file. All rights reserved.
Basic Usage
require "rubygems"
require "interact"
class MyInteractiveClass
include Interactive::Rewindable
def run
first = ask "Some question?"
second = ask "Boolean default?", :default => true
third = ask "Stringy default?", :default => "foo"
fourth = ask "Multiple choice?", :choices => ["foo", "bar", "fizz"]
some_mutation = []
fifth = ask "Multiple choice, indexed list?",
:choices => ["foo", "bar", "fizz"],
:indexed => true
some_mutation << fifth
sixth = ask "Password", :echo => "*", :forget => true
p [first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth]
After running this, the user will be prompted with each question one-by-one. Interact supports basic editing features such as going to the start/end, editing in the middle of the text, backspace, forward delete, and backwards-kill-word.
In addition, the user can hit the up arrow to go "back in time" and re-answer questins.
Make sure you call finalize
after doing any mutation performed based on user
input; this will prevent them from rewinding to before this took place. Or you
can just disable rewinding if it's too complicated (see below).
Anyway, here's an example session:
Some question?: hello<enter>
Boolean default? [Yn]: <up>
Some question? ["hello"]: trying again<enter>
Boolean default? [Yn]: n<enter>
Stringy default? ["foo"]: <up>
Boolean default? [yN]: y<enter>
Stringy default? ["foo"]: <enter>
Multiple choice? ("foo", "bar", "fizz"): f<enter>
Please disambiguate: foo or fizz?
Multiple choice? ("foo", "bar", "fizz"): fo<enter>
1: foo
2: bar
3: fizz
Multiple choice, indexed list?: 2<enter>
Password: ******<enter>
["trying again", true, "foo", "foo", "bar", "secret"]
Note that the user's previous answers become the new defaults for the question if they rewind.
Disabling Rewinding
Interact provides a nifty user-friendly "rewinding" feature, which allows the
user to go back in time and re-answer a question. If you don't want this
feature, simply call disable_rewind
in your class. You can re-enable it with
in subclasses.
class NoRewind
include Interactive
def run
res = ask "Is there no return?", :default => true
if res == rewind_enabled?
puts "You're right!"
puts "Nope! It's disabled."