IrbBenchmark wraps irb
evaluations in a Benchmark.measure{ ... }
block and displays the results after
the command execution. Example:
irb(main):001:0> sleep 1
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 1.000323)
=> 1
$ gem install irb-benchmark
Single shot usage
$ irb -rirb-benchmark
In .irbrc
Classic require
require 'irb-benchmark'
irbtools option
Irbtools.add_library :irb_benchmark, late: true
Note that the former option can be used with irbtools too, so it is the preferred.
Enabling / disabling
IrbBenchmark.enabled = true / false
It auto-detects Wirb presence and FancyIrb configuration for colorized output (both are used by the well-known irbtools gem).
Known issues
The usage with FancyIrb alters the benchmark measures adding a small overhead.
Bugs, feature requests, pull requests
Fell free to open an issue for bugs or feature requests, or fork it and make a pull request.
Thanks to
janlelis and its
fancy_irb which saved me from spending
time to discover how to monkey-patch Irb
Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Maurizio De Santis. MIT license