IsMySidekiqOk answers the question: is your Sidekiq ok? Define limits, and then if Sidekiq is running within those limits, you get a :success 200 response, otherwise you get a 500 error response. Can be used with Rails > 5.2. *You can customize the response code.
How to use my plugin.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'is_my_sidekiq_ok'
Mount the engine to get the route (routes.rb
mount IsMySidekiqOk::Engine => '/is_my_sidekiq_ok'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install is_my_sidekiq_ok
And now just hit that endpoint!
Though you'll probably also want to configure the gem. This gem has the following settings:
# success
setting :status_symbol, :ok
# failior
setting :error_symbol, :internal_server_error
# Sidekiq instances running, fail if below this
setting :processes_size, 4
# below values will cause check to fail if exceeded
setting :default_queue_latency, 30
setting :workers_size, 0
setting :enqueued, 50
# name and password for basic auth
setting :name
setting :password
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.