__J__ekyll __Sc__ientific plugin - JSC
A plugin which extends markdown to include features akin to Latex's that make markdown viable for research write-ups.
How to use it
In your Jekyll _config.yaml file add a gems array and add jsc to it as in gems : [jsc]
On the command line run
gem install jekyll-scientific
Git branch structure
To publish your site with JSC, a certain structure is needed.
You must have two branches, one must be called gh-pages
and the other can be called anything, "master" for example.
In master is where you will put all your development content. From the master branch create an orphan branch with:
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
Now delete all the files in the directory and push the new gh-pages branch to Github. Checkout the master branch,edit your content as you see fit and when your finished, commit all your changes in master and push them to Github. Once your master branch is pushed to Github, run the jsc command from the master branch.
jsc publish
This will build your Jekyll site using all your local plugins and then push the site to the gh-pages branch on Github. Give it up to 10 minutes and your site will be accessible.
That's it, plugin specific config options are included below.
What it supports Support
- Adds proper formula via MathJax
- Citation support for bib files bibtex-ruby, and CSL
Add pandoc support so that Jekyll site can be completely written in LateX or another format and output to HTML and PDF. See pandoc-multiple-formats or pandoc-plugin
Unfortunately you can't run custom plugins with GitHub pages (for obv. reasons). So JSC sites need to be built locally and their _site directory pushed to GitHub. One the list of things to do is use git hooks to automatically build the jekyll site see Git global hooks and Githooks
Various config options are available for each plugin included.
Citations are provided by jekyll-scholar. Visit the link for detailed covered of available options and usage. In summary the following options are available to configure how citations work
style: apa
locale: en
sort_by: none
order: ascending
source: bibtex #says refereces.bib stored in bibtex folder
bibliography: references #says a file called bibtex/references.bib is the main bib file
bibliography_template: "%{reference}"
details_dir: bibliography
details_layout: bibtex.html
details_link: Details
query: "@*"
To cite a work from the main bib fileuse the cite tag as in: e.g. {% cite kirsch2006distance %} would cite the entry with the given name. To append a list of references at the bottom of the page or post use the references tag as in: {% bibliography -c %},-c tells it to only include citations used on the current page or post without -c all entries from the bibliography file will be listed
LateX math / Formulas
Formulas are done using the MathJax library. There are two tags available for adding math.
{% m %} and {% em %} pairs are used to add math inline i.e. within a sentence
{% math %} and {% endmath %} pairs are used to add math in a centered block as is typical in LateX documents.
For e.g.
{% m %}
e = mc^2
{% em %}
{% math %}
\mathbf{V}_1 \times \mathbf{V}_2 = \begin{vmatrix}
\mathbf{i} & \mathbf{j} & \mathbf{k} \\
\frac{\partial X}{\partial u} & \frac{\partial Y}{\partial u} & 0 \\
\frac{\partial X}{\partial v} & \frac{\partial Y}{\partial v} & 0
{% endmath %}
Formulas are currently not as configurable as they could be. MathJax has a lot of config options that could be added.