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Builds lists of Icons and labels


~> 1.16
>= 0
~> 10.0


 Project Readme

Jekyll Icon List

What is it?

It's a jekyll tag that lets you build unordered lists of items that follow the "Icon + label" format.

Write this:

{% icon_list rails bootstrap heroku aws %}

Add some icons, configuration, and a little CSS, get something like this:

imgur screenshot

I use it on my portfolio ( github ) if you want to see an example.

You could use it to build category lists, or tag lists, or a bunch of other stuff. You can pass element attributes in the tag itself, or set default attributes in the config. It only generates markup; the styling is up to you.

It integrates with (and requires) jekyll-svg-inliner to inline your SVGs for you. If you don't use inline SVGs (even though you should), it sets your file as the src= of an img tag.


# Gemfile

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'jekyll_icon_list'

bundle install

# _config.yml


Basic Usage

{% icon_list example example2 example3 %}

# or: 

{% icon_list {{ page.categories }} %}

By default, with no configuration:

  • It will look for icons in images/icons/ with the same name as your shortname, grabbing the first result which matches (shortname).*

  • It will take your shortname, swap dashes and underscores for spaces, and titleize it for the label.

Example: if you write {% icon_list ruby-on-rails %}, with ruby-on-rails.png located in images/icons/, it will generate markup like this:

  <li><img src="/images/icons/ruby-on-rails.png">Ruby On Rails</li>

You can add HTML attributes with --(element) arguments:

{% icon_list example --ul class="stumpy" --li class="mopey" data-max-volume="11" %}

Which will generate markup like this:

<ul class="stumpy">
  <li class="mopey" data-max-volume="11"><svg>(...)</svg>Example</li>

Available arguments: --ul, --li, --img, --svg, --a

These will overwrite any global defaults you have set. You can use this to prevent application of the defaults, just pass an empty argument.

Less Basic Usage

If the default filenames and labels don't work for you, create: /_data/icon_list.yml

And fill it with your icons in the following format:

# /_data/icon_list.yml

  icon: example_logo.svg 
  label: My Nicely Formatted, Long Name
  icon: sloppy.svg
  label: Here's Another Label I Don't Have To Type Again

Each key is an item shortname, and everything is optional. icon: is the filename of the icon you would like to use, which will be prepended by your default_path if you set one (more on that later).

If you set a url:, it'll wrap the <li> contents in an anchor tag.

Liquid Variables:

It will parse liquid variables, as a space-separated-list. Enclose them in double curly braces, like this: {{ my_context.my_variable }}. If given multiword variables, it will attempt to build an item for each word.


categories: skydiving spelunking bouldering

{% icon_list {{ page.categories }} %}

If you use yaml arrays, you must join them into a space-separated string using | join ' ':

  - skydiving
  - spelunking
  - bouldering

{% icon_list {{ page.categories | join ' ' }} %}


  • All of icon_list's configuration is under the icon_list: key in _config.yml
  • default_path: - Where to find your icons.
  • defaults: - Optional HTML attributes to include with your markup. They will be ignored if a corresponding --(element) argument is passed in the tag.

Here's an example configuration:

# _config.yml

  default_path: /images/here/
    ul: class="icon-list"
    li: class="icon-list-item"
    svg: overflow="visible" class="icon"
    img: class="wish-i-had-inline-svgs"
    a: example-attribute="example-value"

  optimize: true # Tells svg-inliner to clean up your SVGs.


Icon finding logic

It tries to be smart about finding your icons. Here's the decision matrix:

... default_path set default_path not set
item icon set default_path + icon icon
item icon not set search default_path search /images/icons

When it searches a path, it just uses the first match and raises an exception if there aren't any.


Right now the only way to set individualized alt text for your icons is to use SVGs, and include a title tag in the file. Since the label itself will likely describe your image quite nicely, I recommend you set alt="" as a default attribute for image tags.

If you would like automatic alt-text generation, or the ability to specify alt text in the data file, let me know or write it yourself and submit a pull request.


Here's an example that should get you close to the screenshot:

ul.icon-list {
  margin: 0;
  font-size: 1.1em;
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: center;
  list-style: none;

ul.icon-list li {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    margin: 0 .5em;

.icon {
  height: 1em;
  margin-right: .2em;

Using <use> to build an icon system

CSS tricks on SVG Icon Systems. It's an older article sir, but it checks out.

Slightly newer CSS tricks article on <use>

MDN docs

You can do it while using this plugin, but you have to do most of it yourself: build & inject the reference file on your own, and then write your SVG files like this:

<!-- example-name.svg -->
	<use href="#example-icon">

At this point the dependency on jekyll-svg-inliner gets pretty tenuous; do we really need a plugin and an extra file to render 3 lines of simple code? In the future I'd like to streamline this.


Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are welcome. Contact:

I've been using rubocop with the default settings, and would appreciate if pull requests did the same.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.