6Want a notification on your desktop when a jenkins job completes ?
This does that exactly, at regular intervals it checks if any of the configured jobs had run and if so it figures the status and change set and notifies via growl.
Build Status
Growl notifier command line tool has to be installed and should be available on PATH.
Installing from rubygems
$ gem install jenkinsgrowler
Building from source
$ git clone https://github.com/katta/jenkinsgrowler.git
$ cd jenkinsgrowler
$ rake
$ gem install pkg/jenkinsgrowler-0.0.6.gem
Usage: jenkinsgrowler [options]
-s, --server SERVER_URL URL of the jenkins server
-j, --jobs JOBS Comma separated jobs names
-i, --interval INTEVAL Polling interval in seconds. Default (60 seconds)
-u, --user USERNAME Username for basic authentication
-p, --password PASSWORD Password for basic authentication
-t, --timezone TIMEZONE Servers timeone. Default (+0530)
-h, --help Displays help message
Provide server url and job names to be monitored
$ jenkinsgrowler -s "http://ci.myhost.com/" -j "GrowlerTest"
In the above example the http://ci.myhost.com/
is the jenkins continuous integration server url and GrowlerTest
is a job name to be monitored.
You can also monitor more than one job by specifying comma spearate job names like
$ jenkinsgrowler -s "http://ci.myhost.com/" -j "GrowlerTest, Job3"
Basic authentication
If your ci server is protected with basic authentication, you could just pass on the credentials to the jenkinsgrowler
as shown below
$ jenkinsgrowler -s "http://ci.myhost.com/" -j "GrowlerTest" -u "username" -p "password"