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Set of protected methods that use the subdomain as a way of identifying the current scope
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Submarine was built upon DHH's Account Location plugin. It gives you a set of protected methods that use the subdomain as a way of identifying the current scope. These methods allow you to easily produce URLs that match this style and to get the current subdomain from a request. Submarine includes support for subdomains in a development environment running on localhost.

Localhost Setup (OSX 10.5)

  • Edit /etc/hosts by adding your aliases after the localhost (on the same line):     localhost foo.localhost bar.localhost
  • Then you must clear the cached DNS entries:
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache


  • Include Submarine in one of your controllers or just once in the application controller:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   include Submarine
  • Submarine will generate the following helper methods (using the default settings): user_url, user_host, user_domain. It will also provide you a method to retrieve the current request's subdomain: current_subdomain

  • By default, all helper methods will query @user.login (hi restufl_authentication) when generating the subdomain part. You can set these attributes by overwriting the subdomain_model and subdomain_column methods in your controller after including the module:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   include Submarine
   def subdomain_model
   def subdomain_column
  • Doing so will grant you a new set of helper methods, prepending the subdomain_model instead of 'user' (using the example above): account_url, account_host, account_domain

  • If you pass along a string as a parameter to the helper methods, these will use it for the subdomain part of the URL's.
=> 'quack'

=> ''

=> ''


You have a domain that hosts several blogs and you wish to shorten their URL from to

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
   include Submarine

def PostsController < ApplicationController	
	before_filter :load_blog
	def subdomain_model; 'blog' end
	def subdomain_column; 'name' end
	def index
		@posts = @blog.posts

	def load_blog
		@blog = Blog.find_by_name(current_subdomain)

If you want to link to each of your blogs when the users visit your domain, you can use the helper methods in your views

<div class="sidebar">
    <% @blogs.each do |blog| %>
		<li><%= blog_url( %></li>
	<% end %>


  • Use method_missing instead of method_alias for the model name based helpers.
  • Helper method tests
  • Add subdomain based routing support

Copyright (c) 2008 Norbauer Inc, released under the MIT license
Written by Jose Fernandez with support from Norbauer Inc.