No release in over a year
Adds typed jsonb backed fields to your ActiveRecord models.



>= 0.18.1
 Project Readme

JSONb Accessor

Created by     Tandem Logo

Gem Version    CI JSONb Accessor Logo

Adds typed jsonb backed fields as first class citizens to your ActiveRecord models. This gem is similar in spirit to HstoreAccessor, but the jsonb column in PostgreSQL has a few distinct advantages, mostly around nested documents and support for collections.

It also adds generic scopes for querying jsonb columns.

⚠️ Status of this gem

Hi, I have taken over this gem a while back as sole maintainer from the original creators who had abandoned it. This gem is in maintance mode now. No active development. Bug reports will be reviewed and worked on promptly. I will also make sure that the gem will keep working with new Ruby/Rails versions. But I don't have time to constantly improve the gem and add new features, let alone take care of feature requests. I am happy though to accept PRs that add new features or improve things. Please open an issue before and let's discuss it.

Table of Contents

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Scopes
  • Single-Table Inheritance
  • Dependencies
  • Validations
  • Upgrading
  • Development
  • Contributing


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "jsonb_accessor"

And then execute:

$ bundle install


First we must create a model which has a jsonb column available to store data into it:

class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :products do |t|
      t.jsonb :data

We can then declare the jsonb fields we wish to expose via the accessor:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  jsonb_accessor :data,
    title: :string,
    external_id: :integer,
    reviewed_at: :datetime

Any type the attribute API supports. You can also implement your own type by following the example in the attribute documentation.

To pass through options like default and array to the attribute API, just put them in an array.

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  jsonb_accessor :data,
    title: [:string, default: "Untitled"],
    previous_titles: [:string, array: true, default: []]

The default option works pretty much as you would expect in practice; if no values are set for the attributes, a hash of the specified default values is saved to the jsonb column.

You can also pass in a store_key option.

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  jsonb_accessor :data, title: [:string, store_key: :t]

This allows you to use title for your getters and setters, but use t as the key in the jsonb column.

product = Product.new(title: "Foo")
product.title #=> "Foo"
product.data #=> { "t" => "Foo" }


Jsonb Accessor provides several scopes to make it easier to query jsonb columns. jsonb_contains, jsonb_number_where, jsonb_time_where, and jsonb_where are available on all ActiveRecord::Base subclasses and don't require that you make use of the jsonb_accessor declaration.

If a class does have a jsonb_accessor declaration, then we define one custom scope. So, let's say we have a class that looks like this:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  jsonb_accessor :data,
    name: :string,
    price: [:integer, store_key: :p],
    price_in_cents: :integer,
    reviewed_at: :datetime

Jsonb Accessor will add a scope to Product called like the json column with _where suffix, in our case data_where.

Product.all.data_where(name: "Granite Towel", price: 17)

Similarly, it will also add a data_where_not scope to Product.

Product.all.data_where_not(name: "Plasma Fork")

For number fields you can query using < or >or use plain english if that's what you prefer.

Product.all.data_where(price: { <: 15 })
Product.all.data_where(price: { <=: 15 })
Product.all.data_where(price: { less_than: 15 })
Product.all.data_where(price: { less_than_or_equal_to: 15 })

Product.all.data_where(price: { >: 15 })
Product.all.data_where(price: { >=: 15 })
Product.all.data_where(price: { greater_than: 15 })
Product.all.data_where(price: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 15 })

Product.all.data_where(price: { greater_than: 15, less_than: 30 })

For time related fields you can query using before and after.

Product.all.data_where(reviewed_at: { before: Time.current.beginning_of_week, after: 4.weeks.ago })

If you want to search for records within a certain time, date, or number range, just pass in the range (Note: this is just shorthand for the above mentioned before/after/less_than/less_than_or_equal_to/greater_than_or_equal_to/etc options).

Product.all.data_where(price: 10..20)
Product.all.data_where(price: 10...20)
Product.all.data_where(reviewed_at: Time.current..3.days.from_now)

This scope is a convenient wrapper around the jsonb_where scope that saves you from having to convert the given keys to the store keys and from specifying the column.


Works just like the scope above except that it does not convert the given keys to store keys and you must specify the column name. For example:

Product.all.jsonb_where(:data, reviewed_at: { before: Time.current }, p: { greater_than: 5 })

# instead of

Product.all.data_where(reviewed_at: { before: Time.current }, price: { greater_than: 5 })

This scope makes use of the jsonb_contains, jsonb_number_where, and jsonb_time_where scopes.


Just the opposite of jsonb_where. Note that this will automatically exclude all records that contain null in their jsonb column (the data column, in the example below).

Product.all.jsonb_where_not(:data, reviewed_at: { before: Time.current }, p: { greater_than: 5 })


Orders your query according to values in the Jsonb Accessor fields similar to ActiveRecord's order.

Product.all.data_order(:price, :reviewed_at)
Product.all.data_order(:price, reviewed_at: :desc)

It will convert your given keys into store keys if necessary.


Allows you to order by a Jsonb Accessor field.

Product.all.jsonb_order(:data, :price, :asc)
Product.all.jsonb_order(:data, :price, :desc)


Returns all records that contain the given JSON paths.

Product.all.jsonb_contains(:data, title: "foo")
Product.all.jsonb_contains(:data, reviewed_at: 10.minutes.ago, p: 12) # Using the store key

Note: Under the hood, jsonb_contains uses the @> operator in Postgres so when you include an array query, the stored array and the array used for the query do not need to match exactly. For example, when queried with [1, 2], records that have arrays of [2, 1, 3] will be returned.


Returns all records that exclude the given JSON paths. Pretty much the opposite of jsonb_contains. Note that this will automatically exclude all records that contain null in their jsonb column (the data column, in the example below).

Product.all.jsonb_excludes(:data, title: "foo")
Product.all.jsonb_excludes(:data, reviewed_at: 10.minutes.ago, p: 12) # Using the store key


Returns all records that match the given criteria.

Product.all.jsonb_number_where(:data, :price_in_cents, :greater_than, 300)

It supports:

  • >
  • >=
  • greater_than
  • greater_than_or_equal_to
  • <
  • <=
  • less_than
  • less_than_or_equal_to

and it is indifferent to strings/symbols.


Returns all records that do not match the given criteria. It's the opposite of jsonb_number_where. Note that this will automatically exclude all records that contain null in their jsonb column (the data column, in the example below).

Product.all.jsonb_number_where_not(:data, :price_in_cents, :greater_than, 300)


Returns all records that match the given criteria.

Product.all.jsonb_time_where(:data, :reviewed_at, :before, 2.days.ago)

It supports before and after and is indifferent to strings/symbols.


Returns all records that match the given criteria. The opposite of jsonb_time_where. Note that this will automatically exclude all records that contain null in their jsonb column (the data column, in the example below).

Product.all.jsonb_time_where_not(:data, :reviewed_at, :before, 2.days.ago)

Single-Table Inheritance

One of the big issues with ActiveRecord single-table inheritance (STI) is sparse columns. Essentially, as sub-types of the original table diverge further from their parent more columns are left empty in a given table. Postgres' jsonb type provides part of the solution in that the values in an jsonb column does not impose a structure - different rows can have different values.

We set up our table with an jsonb field:

# db/migration/<timestamp>_create_players.rb
class CreateVehicles < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :vehicles do |t|
      t.string :make
      t.string :model
      t.integer :model_year
      t.string :type
      t.jsonb :data

And for our models:

# app/models/vehicle.rb
class Vehicle < ActiveRecord::Base

# app/models/vehicles/automobile.rb
class Automobile < Vehicle
  jsonb_accessor :data,
    axle_count: :integer,
    weight: :float

# app/models/vehicles/airplane.rb
class Airplane < Vehicle
  jsonb_accessor :data,
    engine_type: :string,
    safety_rating: :integer

From here any attributes specific to any sub-class can be stored in the jsonb column avoiding sparse data. Indices can also be created on individual fields in an jsonb column.

This approach was originally conceived by Joe Hirn in this blog post.


Because this gem promotes attributes nested into the JSON column to first level attributes, most validations should just work. Please leave us feedback if they're not working as expected.


  • Ruby > 3. Lower versions are not tested.
  • ActiveRecord >= 6.1
  • Postgres >= 9.4 (in order to use the jsonb column type).


See the upgrade guide.


On your local machine

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies (make sure postgres is running first).

Run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

rake will run Rubocop and the specs.

With Docker

# setup
docker-compose build
docker-compose run ruby rake db:migrate
# run test suite
docker-compose run ruby rake spec


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Add tests and changes (run the tests with rake)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request
