Kalei - a living styleguide for your Ruby project
This gem provides an easy way to add the Kalei Styleguide to your existing Ruby application.
Rails Installation
Step 1: Add kalei to your Gemfile
gem 'kalei', :require => 'kalei/engine'
Step 2: Add kalei to your config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount Kalei::Engine => "/style-guide"
Kalei will now be available in the browser at /style-guide
. By default, it will parse your stylesheet at /assets/application.css
. More configuration options coming soon.
Non-Rails Installation
Step 1: Add kalei to your Gemfile
gem 'kalei'
Step 2: Add kalei to your config.ru
require 'kalei/app'
map '/style-guide' do
run Kalei::App
Kalei will now be available in the browser at /style-guide
. By default, it will parse your stylesheet at /assets/application.css
, which may not be correct for your application. More configuration options coming soon.