Keymap¶ ↑
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Helping Ruby developers and their companies, unlock their key-value store data, through associative and sequential based access, providing unprecedented support for map reduce behaviors, native to the Ruby language.
Keymap provides a natural Ruby integration with NoSQL database, allowing direct use of Enumerable operations on returned values (implying returned values are always lists or hashes, or are manipulated to be represented in these forms).
Installation¶ ↑
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'keymap'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install keymap
Usage¶ ↑
Here is a simple example of how to use keymap:
Keymap::Base.establish_connection 'test' connection = Keymap::Base.connection list = connection.list :what (0..10).each do |value| list << value end sum = list.inject(0) do |result, item| result + item.to_i end
The key observation here is this: no key-value store specific API, its plain ordinary Ruby. One more example on how to use keymap, this time with a hash:
accounting = @connection.hash :accounting salaries = { Bob: 82000, Jim: 94000, Billy: 58000 } accounting.merge! salaries total = 0 accounting.each_value do |value| total = total + value.to_i end total => # 234000
Contributing¶ ↑
Fork it
Create your feature branch (‘git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
Commit your changes (‘git commit -am ’Add some feature’‘)
Push to the branch (‘git push origin my-new-feature`)
Create new Pull Request
Writing New Adapters¶ ↑
Create a new adapter file named #{database_name}_adapter.rb, placing it in the connection adapters directory.
Add an entry to the list of supported databases in the Rakefile.
Add test configuration entries in the spec/support/config.yml file.
Verify all tests pass when the KEYCONN=#{database_name} environment variable is set.
Configure databases¶ ↑
Copy spec/support/config.example.yml to spec/support/config.yml and edit as needed. Or just run the tests for the first time, which will do the copy automatically and use the default (redis).
You can set up redis using the redis:start_server rake tasks.
Running the tests¶ ↑
You can run a particular test file from the command line, e.g.
$ ruby -Itest spec/functional/adapter_spec.rb
To run a specific test:
$ ruby -Itest spec/functional/adapter_spec.rb -n test_something_works
You can run with a database other than the default you set in spec/support/config.yml, using the KEYCONN environment variable:
$ KEYCONN=redis ruby -Itest spec/functional/adapter_spec.rb
You can run all the tests for a given database via rake:
$ rake test_redis
The ‘rake test’ task will run all the tests for redis, couchdb, and riak,
Config file¶ ↑
By default, the config file is expected to be at the path spec/support/config.yml. You can specify a custom location with the KEYCONFIG environment variable.
Tag the product using tags per the SemVer specification; our tags have a v-prefix:
git tag -a v0.3.2 -m "SemVer Version: v0.3.2"
If you make a mistake, take it back quickly:
git tag -d v0.3.2 git push origin :refs/tags/v0.3.2
Here are the commands used to publish:
gem push pkg/keymap-0.3.2.gem