Knife Xapi
This plugin gives knife the ability to create guests on a XAPI compatable hyper visor
This plugin is distributed as a Ruby Gem. To install it, run:
gem install knife-xapi
Config options are extendable in the knife.rb the folowing config options can be defined there
- knife[:xapi_host] The API Host to connect to
- knife[:xapi_username] The User name to connect to the api with
- knife[:xapi_password] The Password (if not set will prompt on commandline)
- knife[:xapi_vm_template] Set a default template to be used when creating Guests
- knife[:install_repo] The install repo config option to set when using Xen builtin templates
- knife[:xapi_sr] The Storage Repository to provision from, uses pool/hypervisor default when not set
- knife[:xapi_disk_size] Default VM disk size (8g if not specified)a
- knife[:xapi_skip_disk] Skip adding any aditional disk to the vm.
- knife[:xapi_cpus] The Default CPUs to provision for guests (2 if not specified)
- knife[:xapi_mem] The Defaul ammount of Memory for guests (1g if not specified)
- knife[:kernel_params] Optional Boot paramaters to pass to the guest
- knife[:xapi_ssl_verify] Enable SSL Cert verification. Disabled due to xenserver not having valid certs on xapi
These options Controll xapi guest create bootstrap
- knife[:domain] Set the domainname for the guest
- knife[:run_list] Bootstrap Run list comma sepparated.
- knife[:ssh_user] ssh user to login to the new vm as
- knife[:ssh_port] ssh port to use
- knife[:ssh_password] ssh password to use to login to the new vm
- knife[:identity_file] ssh ident file
- knife[:chef_node_name] node name to use for new guest chef run
- knife[:bootstrap_version] version to bootstrap
- knife[:bootstrap_template] template to use
- knife[:template_file] path to a different template file you would like to use
- knife[:environment] chef environment for first run
- knife[:host_key_verify] true/false Honor hostkey verification or don't
- knife[:ping_timeout] Seconds to timeout while waiting for an IP to be returned from guest
- knife[:json_attributes] A JSON string to be added to the first run of chef-client
- knife[:connect_timeout] Seconds to timeout while trying to connect to a guest
Note: The commands below when not specifing --host assumes that knife[:xapi_host] is set in ~/.chef/knife.rb
Guest Create
Basic usage to create a VM from existing VM template:
knife xapi guest create "NewBox" "Network 0" --xapi-vm-template "MyBaseBox" --host http://sandbox/
More verbose example using a kickstart file and booting the Centos 5 default template:
knife xapi guest create "MySpiffyBox" "pub_network" --host http://sandbox/ \
-B "dns= ks= " \
-R -C 4 -M 4g -D 5g
- -B Boot args where i am assigning all the centos/rhel boot args for kickstart file and dns
- -R Repo URL used by xenserver to start the net install
- -C Number of cpus for this guest
- -M Memory size
- -D Disk size
Using the same basic example you can bootstrap into a specific template
knife xapi guest create "NewBox" "public" --xapi-vm-template "MyBaseBox" --host http://sandbox/ \
--bootstrap-template centos5-gems --ssh-user root --ssh-password mypass \
--run-list "role[base],role[spifybox]"
Guest Delete
Delete is pretty simple. When there are multiple vms with a name label you should be prompted to select one
knife xapi guest delete testing
If you know the UUID of the VM you can specify --uuid
knife xapi guest delete b461c0d2-d24d-bc02-3231-711101f57b8e --uuid
Guest List
List shows the vm's on the pool/host Ignoring Controll domains and templates. VM State, and Ip adress as reported through the xenapi. If you want to get the OpaqueRef, and UUID add -i or --show-id.
knife xapi guest list
Name Label State IP Address
ks_test.local Running
dns01.local Running
dhcp01.local Running
jn_test.local Running
Start/Stop Guest
You can start/stop any instance with.. start and stop commands
knife xapi guest stop jn_test.local
knife xapi guest start jn_test.local
VDI Create
Create a disk on the xenserver with the specified size and name
xapi vdi create testing -D 20g
- -D is the short option for --xapi-disk-size
- specify the SR to use with --xapi-sr or -S
VDI Delete
Remove a disk.
xapi vdi delete testing
Delete has a special cleanup mode that will interactivly prompt you if you want to clean up non attached volumes
xapi vdi delete --interactive
Delete also accepts a UUID for a disk with --uuid
VDI List
Report on xapi VDI's
knife xapi vdi list
VDI name: xs-tools.iso
-UUID: bed2a28e-d68a-43d6-b8a1-2d30730b1561
-Type: user
VDI name: chef-server-root
-UUID: 159cbeb9-45c6-43e0-8631-b88d7644beae
-Description: Root disk for chef-server-root created by jnelson with knfie xapi
-Type: system
-VM name: chef01.mkd.ktc
-VM state: Running
Net list
Output info on host/pool networks lists the MTU, the extra info and name of the network.
Name: vlan1120.stage
Info: :
MTU: 1500
UUID: 73f6f18f-c1d9-664b-d4bb-7673ea0fc2a1
Every command should accept --help and display arguments that it accepts (as all knife plugins do)
knife xapi --help
knife xapi guest create --help