KonkitWorklogger - log your work automatically
What's the problem with logging work? You have to remember about it. How many times have you forgotten to write the start or the end time of your work?
This tool measures how long your computer is turned on. Therefore all you need to care about is to turn your computer off when you finish your day.
Under the hood, it writes a new line to a file each minute (scheduled by cron). Then, it gathers all those "minutes" to calculate your work time. Because of that, it works even if you have to pause the work for some time - you just need to turn the computer off.
Step 0 - setup the correct ruby version with RVM
rvm use ...
Step 1 - install the gem
gem install konkit_worklogger
Step 2 - create the config file with a folder with your entries
echo "path: \"$HOME/.konkit_worklogger/timeentries\"" > $HOME/.konkit_worklogger/config.yml
Step 3 - setup the Cron job
First, we have to run the rvm cron setup
command to fill our cron file with needed variables.
rvm cron setup
Then, we have to edit the cron file and add the worklogger command
crontab -e
Add the following line there:
* * * * * $MY_RUBY_HOME/bin/ruby $GEM_HOME/bin/worklogger increment
To display the help screen, run:
To display today's entries, run:
worklogger today
To display the entries for the whole month with carry from previous months, run:
worklogger month