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Kubernetes helper to manage deployment files


>= 0
 Project Readme


This gem is a helper to manage easily Kubernetes settings for GCloud (easy customization for other cloud services) where configuring and deploying a new application can be done in a couple of minutes. Configuration and customization can be done for multiple environments and at any level which permits to deploy simple and complex applications.


  1. Install the kubernetes_helper gem

    cd my_app/
    gem install kubernetes_helper -v '~> 1.0'

    Note: Requires ruby 1.7+

  2. Generate helper settings

      kubernetes_helper generate_templates

    Note: .kubernetes folder was added. For special applications where default configurations are not enough, you can do the following:

    • Download the required template from lib/templates
    • Put it inside .kubernetes folder
    • Customize based on your needs (You can add or use your custom variables from settings.rb)
      Note: The local template will be used instead of the default one.
  3. Install/setup the application on kubernetes
    Open .kubernetes/ to see the instructions (customize the file according to your project and keep it updated in your repository)

Settings API

Application deployment.yml

  • (String): Web deployment name (Note: Underscores are not accepted). Sample: my-app

  • deployment.replicas (Integer): Quantity of replicas. Sample: 1

  • deployment.replicas_range (Array<min, max, cpu_percentage>, Optional): Defines the minimum and the maximum number of pods that could automatically be created when CPUUtilizationPercentage is above than defined. Sample: [1, 3, 50]

  • deployment.cloud_secret_name (String, Optional): K8s credentials name where cloud secrets will be saved (includes permission like DB). Sample: my-app-cloud-secret

  • deployment.cloud_sql_instance (String, Optional): Cloud sql instance name. Sample: my-project:europe-west1:my-instance-name=tcp:5432 (5432 => postgres, 3306 => mysql)

  • deployment.env_vars (Hash, optional): List of static or external env variables (Note: Not recommended for sensitive values).
    Sample: { 'RAILS_ENV' => 'production' }
    Example for external secrets: { PAPERTRAIL_PORT: { name: 'common_secrets', key: 'paper_trail_port' } will import paper_trail_port value from common_secrets yml as PAPERTRAIL_PORT

  • deployment.command (String, Optional): Bash command to be used for web containers. Sample: rails s -b

  • deployment.liveness_path (String, Optional): Relative path to be used for readiness and liveness checker of the web app. Sample: /check_liveness

  • deployment.custom_volumes (Hash<name: path>, Optional): Custom volumes to be mounted. Sample volume: { my_volume: { kind: 'hostPath', mount_path: '/', settings: { path: '..', type: 'Directory' } } }
    Sample secret: { pubsub_secret: { kind: 'secret', mount_path: '/secrets/pubsub', settings: { secretName: 'my_secret_name' } } }

  • deployment.log_container (Boolean, default true): Permits to auto include logs container to print all logs from logs/*.log to stdout (required for papertrail using fluentd)

  • deployment.log_folder (String, default /app/log): Logs to be printed from

  • deployment.app_port (Integer, default 3000): Application port number

  • deployment.resources (Hash, optional): Configure depending on the web app requirements. Sample: { cpu: { max: '1', min: '500m' }, mem: { max: '1Gi', min: '500Mi' } }

  • deployment.cloudsql_resources (Hash, optional): Configure depending on the app requirements. Default: { cpu: { max: '300m', min: '100m' }, mem: { max: '500Mi', min: '200Mi' } }

  • deployment.logs_resources (Hash, optional): Configure depending on the app requirements. Default: { cpu: { max: '200m', min: '50m' }, mem: { max: '200Mi', min: '50Mi' } }

Application deployment.yml for jobs or services without internet interaction (Optional)

Ideal to run sidekiq or similar jobs as a service without interacting via HTTP.

  • deployment.job_apps[].name (String, optional): Job deployment name (Note: Underscores are not accepted). Sample: my-app-job. Note: This deployment is created only if this value is present
  • deployment.job_apps[].command (String, optional): Bash command to be used for job container. Sample: bundle exec sidekiq
  • deployment.job_apps[].sidekiq_alive_gem (Boolean, default false): If true will add liveness checker settings using sidekiq_alive_gem (sidekiq_alive gem needs to be present in your Gemfile)
  • deployment.job_apps[].services (Array, Optional): List of linux service names that are required for a healthy job container. Sample: ['sidekiq', 'cron']. Note: This will be ignored if sidekiq_alive_gem was defined.
  • deployment.job_apps[].resources (Hash, optional): Configure depending on the job app requirements. Sample: { cpu: { max: '1', min: '500m' }, mem: { max: '1Gi', min: '500Mi' } }
  • deployment.job_apps[].rolling_update (Boolean, default false): Uses rollingUpdate strategy instead of recreate ( Sample:
      job_apps: [
          name: "my-app-sidekiq",
          command: 'bundle exec sidekiq',
          services: %w[sidekiq],
          resources: { mem: { max: '10Gi', min: '5Gi' } }

Required settings for Cronjob apps (Note: Cronjobs do not support sidekiq_alive_gem and services)

Ideal to process periodic tasks

  • deployment.job_apps[].schedule (String): Cron schedule. Sample: */5 * * * *
  • deployment.job_apps[].kind (String, default Deployment): Kind of job application [Deployment or CronJob]
  • deployment.job_apps[].concurrency_policy (String, default Forbid): Documentation
  • deployment.job_apps[].suspend (String, default false): If true then marks as finished the job application (stops creating new pods). Sample:
        job_apps: [{  
          name: "my-promotions-cronjob",
          command: 'bundle exec rake promotions:process > ./log/promotions.log 2>&1',
          schedule: '0 22 * * *',
          kind: 'CronJob'

Applications secrets.yml (Optional)

  • (String): K8s secrets name where env vars will be saved and fetched from. Sample: my-app-secrets
  • secrets.import_all_secrets (Boolean, default false):
    • true: Allows k8s to auto import all secrets from secrets.yml as env values for the apps (No longer needed to update deployment.yml everytime there is a new env var)
    • false: Permits to the gem to auto include each secret from secrets.yml -> data as env value for the apps (base64 encoded values. Requires to update deployment.yml everytime there is a new env var)

Application service.yml (Optional)

  • K8s service name. Sample: my-app-service
  • service.port_name (String, default http-port): Http port name to connect between k8s ingress and service. Sample: http-port. Note: max 15 characters
  • service.backend_port_name (String, default b-port): Web backend port name to be connected between k8s service and web deployments. Sample: b-port. Note: max 15 characters
  • service.type: K8s service type. By default NodePort
  • service.do_certificate_id: Digital Ocean certificate ID to be used for the loadbalancer to auto redirect http to https.
    Note: This value can be fetched via doctl compute certificate list. If there are no certificates available, you can generate a new one using digital ocean dashboard -> networking -> certificates.

Application ingress.yml (Optional)

  • Name of k8s ingress for the app: Sample: my-app-ingress

  • ingress.ip_name (Optional): Static ip address is not created nor assigned if empty value. Sample: my-app-static-ip

  • ingress.certificate_name (Deprecated): Ssl certificate is not created nor assigned if empty value. Sample: my-app-lets-encrypt. Note: requires certificate_domain

  • ingress.certificate_domain (Optional): Domain name for the certificate. Sample: Note: does not support for willcard domains
    To register multiple domains (Certificate names will be auto-generated like mysite-com-lets-encrypt): certificate_domain: ['', '', '']

  • (String, optional): Cloud service name: gcloud | digital_ocean. Default gcloud.

Application CD (continuous deployment)

  • continuous_deployment.image_name (String): Partial docker image url. Sample:
  • continuous_deployment.image_tag (String, default 'latest'): Image tag to be used for this application
  • continuous_deployment.project_name: Cloud project name. Sample: my-project-name
  • continuous_deployment.cluster_name: Cluster cluster name. Sample: my-cluster-name
  • continuous_deployment.cluster_region: Cluster region name. Sample: europe-west4-a
  • continuous_deployment.docker_build_cmd (deprecated): Docker command to build the corresponding image. Sample: build --target production -f Dockerfile
  • continuous_deployment.docker_cmd (String): Docker command to build the corresponding image.
    Simple docker image: docker build -f Dockerfile -t $DEPLOY_NAME .
    Docker image with target: docker build --target production -f Dockerfile -t $DEPLOY_NAME .
  • continuous_deployment.update_deployment (Boolean, default: false): If true permits to re-generate and update the k8s deployment(s) before applying the new version (new docker image)

Gem templating partials

  • _container_extra_settings.yml Partial template to add custom container settings. Receives pod as local variable (web | job | cloudsql | logs) and pod_name. Sample:
                 <% if locals[:pod] == 'job' %>
                     cpu: 50m
                     memory: 256Mi
                     cpu: 500m
                     memory: 1Gi
                 <% end %>
  • _custom_containers.yml Partial template to add extra containers (Receives pod as local variable: web | job) and pod_name. Sample:
           <% if locals[:pod] == 'job' %>
           - name: scraper
             image: owencio/easy_scraper
           <% end %>
  • Partial template to customize the process to apply the new version (new docker image)

Gem templating

When performing a command or script, the setting variables are replaced based on DEPLOY_ENV. All these setting variable values are configured in .kubernetes/settings.rb which defines the values based on DEPLOY_ENV.
These setting variables use erb template gem to define variable replacement and conditional blocks, and so on. Note: Setting variable values are referenced as an object format instead of a hash format for simplicity.



  • Run any kubernetes document
    DEPLOY_ENV=<env name> kubernetes_helper run_deployment "<document name>" "<bash command>"
    Evaluates the kubernetes document with the following details:

    • Supports for - documents to include multiple documents in a file and share yml variables between them (Sample: lib/templates/deployment.yml#1)
    • Replaces all setting values based on DEPLOY_ENV
    • Supports for secrets auto importer using import_secrets: ['secrets.yml', '<>'] (Sample: lib/templates/deployment.yml#29)
    • Supports for sub templates by include_template 'template_name.yml.erb', { my_local_var: 10 }
      Sample: DEPLOY_ENV=beta kubernetes_helper run_deployment "deployment.yml" "kubectl create"
  • Run kubernetes commands
    DEPLOY_ENV=<env name> rake kubernetes_helper:run_command "<bash or k8s commands>"
    Replaces all setting variables inside command based on DEPLOY_ENV and performs it as a normal bash command.
    Sample: DEPLOY_ENV=beta rake kubernetes_helper:run_command "gcloud compute addresses create \#{ingress.ip_name} --global"'

  • Run kubernetes bash scripts
    DEPLOY_ENV=<env name> kubernetes_helper run_script "<script name>"
    Performs the script name located inside .kubernetes folder or kubernetes_helper template as the second option. All setting variables inside the script will be replaced based on DEPLOY_ENV.
    Sample: DEPLOY_ENV=beta kubernetes_helper run_script ""

  • Generate templates
    DEPLOY_ENV=<env name> kubernetes_helper generate_templates "<mode_or_template_name>"
    Copy files based on mode (basic|advanced) or a specific file from templates.
    Sample: DEPLOY_ENV=beta kubernetes_helper generate_templates "basic"
    Sample: DEPLOY_ENV=beta kubernetes_helper generate_templates "ingress.yml"

When performing a script it looks first for file inside .kubernetes folder, if not exist, it looks for the file inside kubernetes_helper template folder.


  • Add
  • Change include_template into ERB render partial


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/kubernetes_helper. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the KubernetesHelper project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.