kvvliveapi for Ruby
This repository contains the kvvliveapi
Gem which provides Ruby bindings for the KVV (Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund) Live API as used on the KVV's website.
The Gem is based on the Python bindings as documented by Nervengift. For further information about the inner workings of the API consult the Python bindings repository.
Usage and Installation
The API is very easy to use if you have a working Ruby development environment.
Install the Gem with gem install kvvliveapi
irb(main):001:0> require 'kvvliveapi'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> KVVLiveAPI.stops_by_name('Barbarossaplatz')
=> [#<KVVLiveAPI::Stop:0x00007fa97baf6780 @name="Karlsruhe Barbarossaplatz", @stop_id="de:8212:5003", @lat=48.9949189, @lon=8.38931904>, …]
irb(main):003:0> _.first.to_s
=> "Karlsruhe Barbarossaplatz(de:8212:5003)"
irb(main):004:0> KVVLiveAPI.stops_by_coordinates(48.995091, 8.390642)
=> [#<KVVLiveAPI::Stop:0x00007fa97bace3e8 @name="Karlsruhe Barbarossaplatz", …>, …]
irb(main):005:0> KVVLiveAPI.stops_by_id('de:8212:5003')
=> [#<KVVLiveAPI::Stop:0x00007fa97bab4920 @name="Karlsruhe Barbarossaplatz", …>]
irb(main):006:0> KVVLiveAPI.depatures_by_stop('de:8212:5003')
=> [#<KVVLiveAPI::Departure:0x00007fa97b9eb020 @route="2", @destination="Wolfartsweier", @direction="2", @lowfloor=true, @realtime=true, @traction=0, @time=2018-04-04 19:29:21 UTC, @stop_position="2">, …]
irb(main):007:0> KVVLiveAPI.depatures_by_route('2', 'de:8212:5003')
=> [#<KVVLiveAPI::Departure:0x00007fa97d831840 @route="2", …>, …]
irb(main):008:0> _.first.to_s
=> "2 (-> Wolfartsweier) @ 21:49, Stop 2"