L402 Middleware for Rails
[WIP] The middleware is still in active development
L402 Middleware is a Ruby gem designed to seamlessly integrate with your Rails application, enabling L402 protocol functionality as a middleware. Whether you are building microservices, APIs, or payment gateways, this gem helps you implement authenticated, pay-per-request APIs using the L402 standard effortlessly.
🚀 Features
- Plug-and-Play: Integrate with your Rails application by adding a single line of configuration.
- Lightning Network Integration: Enforces payment and authentication standards based on L402.
- Configurable: Fine-tune how the middleware processes requests and manages payments.
- Lightweight: Minimal dependencies, optimized for performance.
🛠️ Installation
Add this gem to your application's Gemfile
gem 'l402_middleware'
Then, install it using:
bundle install
Initialize the middleware in your Rails app:
- Add it to the middleware stack in your
# config/application.rb
config.middleware.use L402Middleware, config.l402_middleware
- Define your configuration options. Here's an example:
config.l402_middleware = {
network_type: :lnd,
root_key: 'your_root_key',
caveats: [],
lnd: {
address: '<lnd-node-address>'
tls_certificate_path: '<tls-cert-path>'
macaroon_path: '<macaroon_path>'
invoice: {
millisatoshis: 100,
description: 'Payment required to access the API',
payable: 'once', # or, `indefinitely`
endpoints: ['/protected'] # endpoints on which to enable l402 paywall
📖 Usage Once the middleware is configured, it will:
Inspect incoming HTTP headers for an L402-compliant payment token. Validate the token with the configured token_validator. Reject requests that don't meet the payment threshold with a 402 Payment Required status.
Example Request Flow:
- Client sends a request:
GET /protected-resource HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Authorization: L402 <token>
Middleware validates the request and processes payment.
Rails App continues processing the request if the payment is successful.
🔧 Development
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/rits1272/l402_middleware.git
cd l402_middleware
Run tests:
bundle exec rspec
📫 Contact
If you have any questions, feedback, or need support, feel free to reach out:
- Email: ritikjain1272@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Ritik Jain
With this gem, you can bring the power of the Lightning Network to your Rails apps in minutes. Happy coding! ⚡