A Ruby library for interacting with Landslide’s SOAP-based API
This gem can be used to communicate with Landslide's SOAP-based API using ruby code.
WSDL endpoint url:
If you already have a landslide account, contact support to enable the API. You can also start a 30-day trial account here.
$ gem install jeweler curb handsoap
$ gem install landslider
Read the ruby doc.
There is a rake task to generate the configuration settings.
$ rake landslider:gen_config
Example config:
LS_INSTANCE_NAME = 'jaytest'
LS_API_KEY = '53308ccbdcb7f23fbd81a0b2ebcf12a4'
The API key is simply an md5 hash of the password associated with the username used for the api concatenated with the instance name. "#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(api_password + instance_name)}"
This is calling login to get a session id which is then used to get a list of accounts.
require 'landslider'
response = Landslider.login('LOGINTOKEN=' + LS_INSTANCE_NAME)
response = Landslider.get_accounts(response[:session_id])
response[:accounts].each do |account|
puts "id: #{account[:account_id]} name: #{account[:account_name]}"
The default rake task is set to run the tests.
$ rake
Tests are needed here because the API uses a specific XML structure for requests and responses.
- Fork it.
- Create a branch (
git checkout -b my_markup
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am "Added Snarkdown"
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my_markup
) - Create an [Issue][1] with a link to your branch
- Enjoy a refreshing Diet Coke and wait
API methods
Here is a list of API methods that have been added:
- addTask
- login
- getApiVersion
- getAccounts
- getAccountById
- getAccountCustomFields
- getAccountContacts
- getAccountNotes
- getAccountOpportunities
- getAccountTypes
- getContactById
- getContacts
- getContactCustomFields
- getContactNotes
- getInstanceInformation
- getLeads
- getLeadCustomFields
- getLeadNotes
- getOpportunities
- getOpportunityCustomFields
- getOpportunityNotes
- getTasks
- getUserInformation
- getUserInformationById
- runMyListbyId
- Modify configuration to be rails 3 friendly. The configuation was needed before the environment finished loading. See landslide-rails
- add more API calls
- use HTTP cookies to maintain session state
- eliminate slow inefficient XPath queries
- eliminate test data dependency on the jaytest instance