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tool for Flatiron School instructors to group students for projects


~> 1.11
~> 0.10
~> 10.0
~> 3.0


 Project Readme


This gem is meant to be used to group Learn student batches into groups for tables, labs and projects.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'learn_party'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install learn_party


The Learn Party gem is meant to be used from within another project, like a Rails app. The gem can take in any collection of student-like objects, along with a few specifications, and generate groups of students accordingly.

What's a 'student-like object?'

The Learn Party gem can take in a collection of objects that respond to a #completed_lesson_count_for_active_track method or a collection of hashes, each of which has a key of :completed_lesson_count_for_active_track.

This is because the gem can generate groups based on similar progress. The gem uses the total number of completed lessons for a given student's active track as a metric with which to measure progress and thereby sort students.

These student-like objects sound great! Where can I get some?

You can hit this Learn API endpoint for your batch to retrieve a JSON payload describing Learn students.

GET http://leanr.co.api/batches/:batch_id/users

The payload for each student will include an attribute, "completed_lesson_count_for_active_track". You can either use this data to instantiate Student objects of your own, OR, you can simply JSON.parse the payload, and pass student-like hashes to the gem.

Important: If you give the gem a collection of student objects, instantiated from student class you yourself defined, then the gem will return to you groups of these student objects. If you give the gem a collection of hashes, each of which describe a student, the gem will return to you groups of these student hashes, sorted/grouped accordingly.

Using the Gem

Once you have your student collection, you can call the gem with a number of different arguments.

Student groups with n number of students, based on progress

LearnParty::GroupMaker.new.run(collection: <collection of student-like objects>, groups_of: some_number, sort_type: "progress")

For example:

students = Student.all # assuming you have a database full of students with the necessary .completed_lesson_for_active_track attribute

LearnParty::GroupMaker.new.run(collection: students, groups_of: 2, sort_type: "progress")


   @first_name=nil, @github_username="nakia", @last_name=nil>,
   @github_username="meaghan", @last_name=nil>],
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="keeley",
   @github_username="german", @last_name=nil>],
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="ivy", @last_name=nil>],
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="ernestina",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="erling",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="heloise-toy",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="maxie-price",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="yvonne",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="bobby",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="jerrold",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="vivianne",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="obie", @last_name=nil>,
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="sydnie",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="ashley",
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="carey", @last_name=nil>,
   @first_name=nil, @github_username="andreanne",

We can see that the return of the #run method is an array of arrays, in which each child array represents one group of students and contains the list of the students in that group. In this case, we assume the original student collection contained 35 students. So, #run returned an array of 17 arrays, each of which contains two students, except for the last one, which contains 3 students.

Student groups with n number of students, sorted randomly

LearnParty::GroupMaker.new.run(collection: <collection of student-like objects>, groups_of: some_number, sort_type: "random")

For example:

students = Student.all # assuming you have a database full of students with the necessary .completed_lesson_for_active_track attribute

LearnParty::GroupMaker.new.run(collection: students, groups_of: 3, sort_type: "random")

Students into n number of groups

LearnParty::GroupMaker.new.run(collection: <collection of student-like objects>, number_of_groups: 3)

This will return an array of three smaller arrays, each of which contains the appropriate number of students.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.