Read, write and convert Binary data in Ruby.
Detailed documentation can be found here:
Guiding Principles
The goal of libbin is to provide a declarative way to describe binary files formats. But, as this declarative approach is not always feasible or efficient, it also provides more procedural approaches through a series of hooks that can be used to override the behavior of the library.
In order to showcase usages of the library, a real life example is taken. This examples reads motion files from recent PlatinumGames games (Nier Automata, Bayonnetta2, ...). The format description can be found here:
require 'libbin'
# The file is seen as big structure. Sub structures will be declared inside.
# contrary to what is done in the real implementation, the order of the
# declarations will be shown in the order they are the most interesting.
class MOT2File < LibBin::Structure
# The file header.
class Header < LibBin::Structure
# First field if a 4 character identifier string that is expected to be "mot\x00"
string :id, 4, expect: "mot\x00".b
uint32 :version
uint16 :flags
uint16 :frame_count
uint32 :offset_records
uint32 :num_records
int8 :u_a, length: 4
string :name, 16
# Register the header into our file structure
field :header, Header
# The animation records corresponding to the different animation tracks affected by
# the animation
class Record < LibBin::Structure
int16 :bone_index
int8 :animation_track
int8 :format
int16 :num_keys
# field is aligned on it's size byte boundary
uint32 :offset, align: true
# The previous field is also a union. LibBin does not support these for now,
# but getting around the problem is not particularly difficult:
def value
def value=(v)
self.offset = [v].pack("F").unpack("L").first
# the size of this structure is known (Some structure's size can only be known
# at runtime.
def self.size(*args)
# Register the records field.
# The required count and offset are contained in the header.
# Here we showcase two different ways to express those constraints,
# using a string representing the path, or a proc accessing the
# class instance members. Accessing and setting members is done
# through accessors with the same name as the field.
# There is an additional dummy record at he end of the list.
field :records, Record, count: 'header\num_records + 1', offset: proc { header.offset_records }
# The format defines many way to encode the animations tracks, with
# incresing levels of compression, and many use interpolation with
# cubic Hermit splines. Unless the animation track is constant
# (format 0 (or -1 for dummy) in the record)
# Format 1: 1 float value per key
# value[frame] = keys[frame]
class Format1 < LibBin::Structure
# The number of keys is defined in the corresponding record.
# Our rank in the repetition gives the index in the record vector.
float :keys, count: proc { __parent.record[__index].num_keys }
# Format 2: quantized values using a 16 bit integer mutiplier
# value[frame] = p + key[frame] * dp
class Format2 < LibBin::Structure
float :p
float :dp
uint16 :keys, count: '..\records[__index]\num_keys'
# Format 3: quantized values using sepecial half floats.
# value[frame] = p + key[frame] * dp
class Format3 < LibBin::Structure
pghalf :p
pghalf :dp
uint16 :keys, count: '..\records[__index]\num_keys'
# Format 4: Cubic hermit splines.
class Format4 < LibBin::Structure
class Key < LibBin::Structure
uint16 :index
uint16 :padding #Could use align on the next field as well
float :p
float :m0
float :m1
field :keys, Key, count: '..\records[__index]\num_keys'
# Format 5: Cubic hermit splines with quantization
class Format5 < LibBin::Structure
class Key < LibBin::Structure
uint16 :index
uint16 :cp
uint16 :cm0
uint16 :cm1
float :p
float :dp
float :m0
float :dm0
float :m1
float :dm1
field :keys, Key, count: '..\records[__index]\num_keys'
# Format 6: Cubic hermit spline with quantization and
# special half floats
class Format6 < LibBin::Structure
class Key < LibBin::Structure
uint8 :index
uint8 :cp
uint8 :cm0
uint8 :cm1
pghalf :p
pghalf :dp
pghalf :m0
pghalf :dm0
pghalf :m1
pghalf :dm1
register_field :keys, Key, count: '..\records[__index]\num_keys'
# Format 7: same as 6 with relative indices
# Structure is exactly the same
class Format7 < LibBin::Structure
class Key < LibBin::Structure
uint8 :index
uint8 :cp
uint8 :cm0
uint8 :cm1
pghalf :p
pghalf :dp
pghalf :m0
pghalf :dm0
pghalf :m1
pghalf :dm1
register_field :keys, Key, count: '..\records[__index]\num_keys'
# Format 8: same as 6 but with a bigger index. This index is always store in big endian fashion
class Format8 < LibBin::Structure
class Key < LibBin::Structure
uint16_be :index
uint8 :cp
uint8 :cm0
uint8 :cm1
pghalf :p
pghalf :dp
pghalf :m0
pghalf :dm0
pghalf :m1
pghalf :dm1
register_field :keys, Key, count: '..\records[__index]\num_keys'
FORMATS = [nil, Format1, Format2, Format3, Format4, Format5, Format6, Format7, Format8]
def format(i)
# register the tracks, they use relative offsets to the record position in the file
# note that the type is dynamic and depends on the recod content, so we use the
# sequence flag to tell libbin that the type and offset needs to be evaluated for
# each repetition
field :tracks, proc { format(records[__iterator].format) }, count: 'header\num_records',
sequence: true, condition: proc { records[__iterator].format != 0 && records[__iterator].format != -1 },
offset: proc { header.offset_records + Record.size * __iterator + records[__iterator].offset }
Loading, Dumping, and Converting
Once a structure is defined, loading it is quite straight forward:
require 'stringio'
# open a file in binary mode"test", "binary", "motion_be.bin"), "rb") do |f|
# Load a big endian motion file.
mot = MOT2File.load(f, true)
# print the total number of keys in tracks:
puts mot.records.collect(&:num_keys).reduce(:+)
# write the file in little endian format
str =
MOT2File.dump(mot, str, false) # or mot.__dump(str, false)
# compare the output to the reference file"test", "binary", "motion_le.bin"), "rb") do |g|
raise "Error!" unless str.string ==
# modifiying values is easy...
mot.header.num_records = 1
# ...but coherency must be maintained,
# so usually you will need some helper function in you classes
# to recompute the offsets and counts.
# You can also create new instances of those classes and
# Initialize the members yourself (or create an initialize
# method to do that for you)
header = = "mot\x00".b
# etc...
# The tests contain more examples, or the bayonetta_tools, that
# are mainly written using LibBin