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Taps for extracting metrics data and publishing to Librato Metrics


>= 0
~> 3.12


= 0.1.4
= 1.16.2
 Project Readme


Deprecation Notice

This project is being officially deprecated by the maintainers.

We recommend alternatives such as JMXTrans and collectd's JMX plugin projects for submitting your JMX metrics to Librato. These have more comprehensive coverage, require fewer external dependencies, and are more actively developed than this project.

We will keep this project available on GitHub for now, but there will be no ongoing support or development of the project from this point forward.


Collection of helper scripts and library routines to tap into external metric sources and pump those metrics into Librato's Metric Service.

With these you can monitor JVM services, like Cassandra, and build monitoring dashboards:

Cassandra Dashboard


The JMX Beans tap script will connect to a JMX service and pull monitoring attributes from a configured set of MBeans. The values of these MBean attributes are pumped into Librato's Metric Service.

The usage for librato-metrics-tap-jmxbeans is:

Usage: librato-metrics-tap-jmxbeans <options>

              --jmx-host, -j <s>:   JMX Hostname (default: localhost)
              --jmx-port, -m <i>:   JMX Port (default: 8080)
          --jmx-username, -x <s>:   JMX Username
          --jmx-password, -w <s>:   JMX Password
                 --email, -e <s>:   Metrics Email address
                 --token, -t <s>:   Metrics API token
                --source, -s <s>:   Optional source name
                --prefix, -z <s>:   Optional prefix name
          --measure-time, -a <i>:   Optional time for measurements
           --metrics-url, -r <s>:   Metrics URL (default:
              --interval, -i <i>:   Run as a daemon and poll every N seconds
            --ignore-missing, -g:   Ignore missing beans/attributes
        --data-file-full, -d <s>:   YAML file defining beans & attribute names
  --data-file-attributes, -f <s>:   YAML file of bean attributes
             --bean-name, -b <s>:   Bean name to match against or lookup
                   --publish, -p:   Publish Bean Attributes to Librato Metrics
               --match-beans, -c:   Output beans that match --bean-name regexp
                   --version, -v:   Print version and exit
                      --help, -h:   Show this message

You can either specify a full bean and attribute definition file or you can specify the bean name(s) separately on the commandline and specify the bean attributes from the config file.

Full Bean and Attribute Definition

Use the --data-file-full option to specify the path to a YAML file defining the full list of beans and attributes to retreive. An example of such a configuration file is:

  CompletedTasks: counter

For example, this will grab all the attributes of the bean name org.apache.cassandra.internal:type=AntiEntropyStage and will push each of those attributes as metrics.

If the file contains a list of attributes for a bean, it will restrict the attributs to the ones listed. For example, for the bean org.apache.cassandra.internal:type=FlushSorter, it will limit the bean attributes to ActiveCount, CompletedTasks and PendingTasks.

By default, attributes are published as gauges to the Librato Metrics service. If instead you would like to publish the attribute as a counter, set the attribute name to the value 'counter'.

An example full bean definition file is included for Cassandra under the examples/cassandra directory in the top-level of this gem. For example, to publish the thread JMX beans from Cassandra 0.8.1:

librato-metrics-tap-jmxbeans --email "$EMAIL" --token "$TOKEN" \
    --publish \
    --source "$SOURCE_NAME" \
    --jmx-host "$JMX_HOST" --jmx-port "$JMX_PORT" \
    --data-file-full examples/cassandra/tpstats-0_8_1.yaml \
    --measure-time "$MEASURE_TIME"

Bean attributes separate from beans

Oftentimes it is useful to publish the same attributes from multiple beans that all export the same attribute names. In this case you can use the --data-file-attributes option to set a YAML file defining the bean attributes to publish. You can then set the bean names using the --bean-name option.

For example, a bean attribute definition file may look like:

MemtableColumnsCount: counter

If this file were used in combination with the option --bean-name org.apache.cassandra.db:type=ColumnFamilies,keyspace=MyKeyspace,columnfamily=mycf, then the attributes LiveDiskSpaceUsed, LiveSSTableCount and MemtableColumnsCount for the bean representing the Cassandra columnfamily mycf in the keyspace MyKeyspace would be published.

The --bean-name can also be a wildcard that will be expanded to all matching beans. For example, the option --bean-name 'org.apache.cassandra.db:type=ColumnFamilies,keyspace=MyKeyspace,columnfamily=*' would publish the same attributes for all column families in the keyspace MyKeyspace.

Attributes are always published as gauges to the Librato Metrics service. To publish them as a counter, set their value to 'counter'.

An example bean attribute definition file is included for Cassandra under the examples/cassandra directory in the top-level of this gem. For example, to publish the CF stats for all column families in the keyspace MyKeyspace:

librato-metrics-tap-jmxbeans --email "$EMAIL" --token "$TOKEN" \
    --publish --source "$SOURCE_NAME" \
    --jmx-host "$JMX_HOST" --jmx-port "$JMX_PORT" \
    --bean-name 'org.apache.cassandra.db:type=ColumnFamilies,keyspace=MyKeyspace,columnfamily=*' \
    --data-file-attributes examples/cassandra/cfstats-0_8_1.yaml \
    --measure-time "$MEASURE_TIME"

Daemon Mode

Single Interval

In order to poll and publish to librato every N seconds, specify --interval <poll-interval> option.

Multiple Intervals

In order to publish multiple YAML bean definition files in different intervals, you must supply an interval file, specifying a map from YAML data files to the period each file's metrics must be collected and published to librato. For example:

metrics_1min.yaml: 60
metrics_5min.yaml: 300
metrics_1h.yaml: 3600

The interval file must be specified using the --interval-file <interval-file-path> option. A sample interval file is contained in the examples folder.

Contributing to librato-metrics-taps

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (c) 2011 Librato, Inc. See LICENSE.txt for further details.