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Linear workflow framework based on immutable state



>= 0.1.8
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Linearly: linear workflow framework for Ruby

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"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs"

- Henry Ford


It's like interactor, solid_use_case, or codequest_pipes. But subtly different.

Linearly is a microframework for building complex workflows out of small, reusable, and composable parts. We call each such part a Step, and their sequence - a Flow. Steps are effectively functions which take a State and return a State. Each Step is expected to represent a discrete part of your business logic, with explicitly defined inputs (always) and outputs (if applicable).

State can either be a Success, a Failure or it can be Finished. The difference between Failure and Finished states is like between an exception and a guard clause (early return). Linearly uses the statefully gem for state management, so be sure to visit its docs for more details. Inside a Flow, each individual Step will only be executed if passed a Success state, otherwise the flow is terminated early. It's both a simple and powerful concept.


Code speaks louder than words, so let's see how Linearly could help you strucure an actual workflow. It comes from a Rails API for a React/Redux SPA, from a controller resposible for exchanging an OAuth code for a JWT token, simplified for clarity.


class SessionsController < ApplicationController
  FLOW = # See [1]
    .>> Auth0::FindOrCreateUser # See [2]
    .>> Users::EnsureActive
    .>> Users::IssueToken

  def create
    state = Statefully::State.create(**params) # See [3]
    result = # See [4]
    head :unauthorized and return if result.finished? # See [5]
    render json: {token: result.token}, status: :created # See [6]

Controller notes

  1. FLOW is constructed statically, and assigned to a constant. This alone allows us to eliminate an entire class of problems where you may try to create a Flow from things that aren't Steps.

  2. The >> operator is defined as a method, which creates a Flow from a Step, or adds a Step to a Flow. The actual Flow constructor is pretty mundane, but you're not likely to ever use it. Note that if you want to put each Step on a single line (my personal preference, heavily influenced by Elixir pipe operator), you'll need to prepend each >> call with a dot, to tell the parser that the new line is a part of the previous statement.

  3. As already mentioned before, every Step needs to take an instance of State as input and return an instance of State as output. Flow has the same signature, so what we're doing here is creating a State from controller parameters. This is actually safe (unless your business logic requires some sanitization, that is), because Flow validates its inputs. You can find more information about validation in one of the sections below.

  4. A properly implemented Step will rescue any exception thrown during execution, and wrap it into an instance of Statefully::State::Failed. Calling #resolve on it re-raises the exception, while for any other State (Success or Finished) it simply returns itself. Unless you need some form of error introspection, it is advised that you use #resolve liberally and don't explicitly raise from your Steps. This way unexpected application failures will cause crashes which your favorite exception tracker can notify you about.

  5. Some Flows may not be expected to always complete - for example, Auth0::GetUserData can terminate the entire flow if user data associated with the parameters passed to the controller cannot be verified with the identity provider (Auth0 in this case). It's not an exception per se, but it makes you want not to run subsquent steps. That's where Statefully::State::Finished comes in handy. Both it, and Statefully::State::Success will respond with true to the #successful? message (since there is no exception), but only the former will respond with true to #finished?. Since Statefully::State::Failed is no longer an option (we unwrapped the state with #resolve - see above), we can distinguish between a flow which completed, and one which was terminated early. In the latter case, we don't issue a JWT token but inform the user about their unauthorized status.

  6. Statefully::State behaves like a read-only OpenStruct, so all of its properties are available through reader methods. Since Flow validates inputs and outputs (more on that later), we can safely assume that the token field (actually provided by the last Step) will be set on the successful State.


Each of the steps in the flow is about 30 lines long, so you can view it whole in your text editor or IDE without having to scroll. Its tests can easily cover mutliple condition and their associated code paths. Below you will find an actual annotated Step - the first one used in the Flow described above.

module Auth0
  class GetUserData < Linearly::Step::Static # See [1]
    def self.inputs # See [2]
      {code: String, redirect_path: String, state: String}

    def self.outputs # See [3]
      {user_data: Hash}

    def call # See [4]
      succeed(user_data: user_data) # See [5]
    rescue Auth0Service::NotFound
      finish # See [6]


    def user_data

    def auth0_params
        code: code, # See [7]
        redirect_path: redirect_path,
        state: state.state, # See [8]

Step notes

  1. Step itself is first and foremost a concept, which we'd call an interface or a typeclass if we used a different programming language. Still, in order to make the package easier to use, Linearly includes valid implementations you can use as your base classes. Linearly::Step::Static is one of them - please see the section below for more details.

  2. inputs is one of the methods required by the Step 'interface'. It's supposed to be a Hash<Symbol, Proc>. Keys represent the names of State properties required by the Step. Values are matchers taking actual input and verifying (by returning true or false) if it matches expectations. If you don't need such a fine-grained control over your input, you can use class name for a shorthand type checking (my personal favorite), or merely true to ensure that the property exists but without checking its type or value (not recommended) - please see the documentation for more details.

  3. outputs is simlar to inputs, but in Linearly's reference implementations it is not required, since empty defaults are provided. While inputs are strictly required, outputs only make sense for Steps which add something to the State they return.

  4. call is the only public instance method you need to implement on a subclass of Linearly::Step::Static. Please see its own section for more details.

  5. As already mentioned, Steps are effectively functions which take a State and return a State. Here, by calling succeed with user_data we're returning a new State with an extra property set, compliant with what we promised in the outputs section. Note that we're calling succeed without a receiver here - thanks to the magic of method_missing, all unknown messages in a subclass of Linearly::Step::Static are by default passed to the input State.

  6. finish is similar to succeed in that it returns a State - albeit a finished instead of a successful one. What we're doing here is transforming a well known exception (identity provider not recognizing user credentials) into an orderly early return of our flow.

  7. As already mentioned, all unknown messages in a subclass of Linearly::Step::Static are by default passed to the input State. State itself also passes all unknown messages to its underlying collection of properties, so the code message is eventually correctly resolved using two levels of indirection.

  8. state on the other hand is a valid input, but it has a naming conflict with the a private method of Linearly::Step::Static, giving you access to the input state. Hence, we can't use double message redirection as with code, and need to explicitly send this message to the input state.