Lit Doc 🔥
This gem is a collection of Rake Tasks that make writing docs easier by allowing you to write the docs inside ruby files. It also makes documentation much less of a repetitive process. That is done by using the Lit Doc code to generate the repetitive parts of the doc.
gem install lit_doc --pre
or in rails gemfile
gem "lit_doc", "0.1.2.pre"
- run
rails lit_doc:prepare
generate the following: - doc/source/
- doc/gen/
- in import the files that contain lit doc documentation like so:
@import "app/controllers/application_controller.rb"
- run
rails lit_doc:generate
to generate a doc. You can find the result in doc/gen/
Features to be Implemented
- Allow specific response (res) and body (b) imports, for example @res-model-index and @b-serializer-create
Usage Example
have a mixture of markdown syntax and "@import 'rails.root/path_to_file'" statements the markdown syntax will be copied as it is to the while the imported files will be scanned for Lit Doc code.
Lit Doc code example: Let's say we have a controller that we want to document some actions/methods in it. above each action that the user wishes to document, he/she will use the following syntax:
NOTE: Lit Doc syntax starts with 2 hashtags
## @h: header text
## @r: http_method route
## @b-model: path to model
## @b-serializer: path to serializer
## @res-model: path to model
## @res-serializer: path to serializer
## regular markdown
def index
## do something
# Example:
# in doc/source/
# where h: 2 is the number of #'s before the @h header
@import "app/controllers/users_controller.rb", {h: 2}
# in app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
## @h: User Create
## @r: POST /users
## @b-model: User
## @res-model: User
## **NOTE:** This needs optimization
def create
## do something
# and in app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
## @b:
## {
## name: 'tim',
## email: ""
## }
## @res:
## {
## name: 'tim',
## email: "",
## updated_at: "91231-543-157",
## created_at: "123-1231-123"
## }
A brief example of the Lit Doc code/syntax:
means header. -
means route. -
means body and@res
means response. -
means generating body using model and@res-model
means generating - response using model.
run tests with rake spec
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.