A lita plugin for interacting with, a Continuous Integration provider.
Add this gem to your lita installation by including the following line in your Gemfile:
gem "lita-buildkite"
Externally triggered events
This handler can track completed builds and trigger a variety of activities as appropriate. To get started, use the buildkite web interface to configure a webhook that POSTs "build.finished" events to:
Days Since Master Failure
To track how long each project has managed to go without a master branch failure, edit your lita_config.rb to include the following line.
config.handlers.days_since_master_failure.channel_name = "channel-name"
As builds complete, occasional messages will be posted to the channel that congratulate for a string of days with no failures, and commiserate when a master branch build fails.
Chat commands
This handler provides no additional chat commands. Yet.
Lita Events
This handler will emit some buildkite events onto the lita event bus, allowing other handlers to respond them.
Currently, the following events are emitted:
- buildkite_build_finished
- buildkite_job_finished
To respond to the events, write a new handler that looks something like this:
class BuildkiteDebugHandler < Lita::Handlers::Handler
on :buildkite_build_finished, :debug
on :buildkite_job_finished, :debug
def debug(payload)
event = payload[:event]
robot.send_message(target, event.inspect)
def target Lita::Room.find_by_name(config.channel_name) || "general")
Possible ideas for new features, either via chat commands or externally triggered events:
- more specs