Add lita-group-mention to your Lita instance's Gemfile:
gem "lita-group-mention"
Configuration (optional)
Preload mention groups and members using configuration:
config.handlers.group_mention.groups =
'ops' => ['ops1','ops2']
'devs' => ['dev1','dev2']
This plugin will monitor messages for mentions of groups, and expand the group to mention a list of each user in that group. Groups are stored in redis, and configured with commands.
Larry: Lita group mention add moe to ops
Lita: Added @moe to ops
Larry: Lita group mention add curly to dev
Lita: Added @curly to dev
Larry: Good morning @ops and @dev
Lita: cc @moe, @curly
Larry: Lita group mention show groups
Lita: ops: moe
dev: curly
Larry: Lita group mention remove group ops
Lita: Removed the ops group
Larry: group mention show user curly
Lita: curly: dev
Larry: group mention show user moe
Lita: moe: