Use IRKit on Lita
Add lita-irkit to your Lita instance's Gemfile:
gem "lita-irkit"
config.handlers.irkit.deviceid = ENV["IRKIT_DEVICEID"]
config.handlers.irkit.clientkey = ENV["IRKIT_CLIENTKEY"]
route /^ir list/, :ir_list, command: false, help: { "ir list" => "list irkit command names" }
route /^ir send (.+)/, :ir_send, command: false, help: { "ir send [command_name]" => "send irkit command" }
route /^ir all off/, :ir_send_all_off, command: false, help: { "ir all off" => "send irkit commands which end with 'off'" }
route /^ir register (.+)/, :ir_register, command: true, help: { "ir register [command_name]" => "register irkit command" }
route /^ir unregister (.+)/, :ir_unregister, command: true, help: { "ir unregister [command_name]" => "unregister irkit command" }
route /^ir migrate/, :ir_migrate, command: true
Migration from 0.0.x to 0.1.0
Since Redis namespace has been changed at v0.1.0, You must run migration command when upgrading to v0.1.0 or later.
@your_bot ir migrate
#=> :ok_woman: 10 keys are migrated.