The project is in a healthy, maintained state
A llamaparse client for Ruby. Loosely based on the Python version from llamaparse.


~> 2.21.1
~> 2.12.2
~> 3.6.0
 Project Readme


A Ruby client for the LlamaIndex Parsing API. This gem allows you to easily parse various document formats (PDF, DOCX, etc.) into text or markdown. Loosely based on the Python version.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'llamaparserb'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install llamaparserb


Basic Usage

require 'llamaparserb'

# Initialize client with API key
client = Llamaparserb::Client.new(ENV['LLAMA_CLOUD_API_KEY'])

# Parse a file from disk (to text by default)
text = client.parse_file('path/to/document.pdf')

# Parse an in-memory file (requires file type)
require 'open-uri'
file_content = URI.open('https://example.com/document.pdf')
text = client.parse_file(file_content, 'pdf')

# Parse a file to markdown
client = Llamaparserb::Client.new(ENV['LLAMA_CLOUD_API_KEY'], result_type: "markdown")
markdown = client.parse_file('path/to/document.pdf')

# Parse a file from a URL
markdown = client.parse_file('https://example.com/document.pdf')

File Input Options

The parse_file method accepts three types of inputs:

  1. File path (String):
  1. IO object (requires file type parameter):
# From a URL
file_content = URI.open('https://example.com/document.pdf')
client.parse_file(file_content, 'pdf')

# From memory
io = StringIO.new(file_content)
client.parse_file(io, 'pdf')

# From a Tempfile
temp_file = Tempfile.new(['document', '.pdf'])
client.parse_file(temp_file, 'pdf')
  1. URL (String):

Advanced Options

client = Llamaparserb::Client.new(
    # Basic Configuration
    result_type: "markdown",    # Output format: "text" or "markdown"
    num_workers: 4,             # Number of workers for concurrent processing
    check_interval: 1,          # How often to check job status (seconds)
    max_timeout: 2000,          # Maximum time to wait for parsing (seconds)
    verbose: true,              # Enable detailed logging
    show_progress: true,        # Show progress during parsing
    ignore_errors: true,        # Return nil instead of raising errors
    # Language and Parsing Options
    language: :en,              # Target language for parsing
    parsing_instruction: "",    # Custom parsing instructions
    skip_diagonal_text: false,  # Skip diagonal text in documents
    invalidate_cache: false,    # Force reprocessing of cached documents
    do_not_cache: false,        # Disable caching of results
    # Processing Modes
    fast_mode: false,          # Enable faster processing (may reduce quality)
    premium_mode: false,       # Enable premium parsing features
    continuous_mode: false,    # Process document as continuous text
    do_not_unroll_columns: false, # Keep columnar text structure
    # Page Handling
    split_by_page: true,       # Split result by pages
    page_separator: "\n\n",    # Custom page separator
    page_prefix: "Page ",      # Text to prepend to each page
    page_suffix: "\n",         # Text to append to each page
    target_pages: [1,2,3],     # Array of specific pages to process
    bounding_box: {            # Specify area to parse (coordinates in pixels)
      x1: 0, y1: 0,           # Top-left corner
      x2: 612, y2: 792        # Bottom-right corner
    # OCR and Image Processing
    disable_ocr: false,        # Disable Optical Character Recognition
    disable_image_extraction: false, # Disable image extraction from documents
    take_screenshot: false,    # Capture screenshot of document
    # Advanced Processing Features
    gpt4o_mode: false,         # Enable GPT-4 Optimization mode
    gpt4o_api_key: "key",      # API key for GPT-4 Optimization
    guess_xlsx_sheet_names: false, # Attempt to guess Excel sheet names
    is_formatting_instruction: false, # Use formatting instructions
    annotate_links: false,     # Include link annotations in output
    # Multimodal Processing
    vendor_multimodal_api_key: "key",      # API key for multimodal processing
    use_vendor_multimodal_model: false,     # Enable multimodal model
    vendor_multimodal_model_name: "model",  # Specify multimodal model
    # Integration Options
    webhook_url: "https://...", # URL for webhook notifications
    http_proxy: "http://...",   # HTTP proxy configuration
    # Azure OpenAI Configuration
    azure_openai_deployment_name: "deployment", # Azure OpenAI deployment name
    azure_openai_endpoint: "endpoint",         # Azure OpenAI endpoint
    azure_openai_api_version: "2023-05-15",    # Azure OpenAI API version
    azure_openai_key: "key"                    # Azure OpenAI API key

Feature-Specific Options

Page Processing

  • split_by_page: Split the document into separate pages
  • page_separator: Custom text to insert between pages
  • page_prefix/page_suffix: Add custom text before/after each page
  • target_pages: Process only specific pages
  • bounding_box: Parse only a specific area of the document

OCR and Image Processing

  • disable_ocr: Turn off Optical Character Recognition
  • disable_image_extraction: Disable image extraction from documents
  • take_screenshot: Generate document screenshots
  • skip_diagonal_text: Ignore text at diagonal angles

Advanced Processing

  • continuous_mode: Process text as a continuous stream
  • do_not_unroll_columns: Preserve column structure
  • guess_xlsx_sheet_names: Auto-detect Excel sheet names
  • annotate_links: Include document hyperlinks in output
  • is_formatting_instruction: Use special formatting instructions

Performance Options

  • fast_mode: Faster processing with potential quality trade-offs
  • premium_mode: Access to premium features
  • invalidate_cache/do_not_cache: Control result caching
  • num_workers: Configure concurrent processing

Integration Features

  • webhook_url: Receive processing notifications
  • http_proxy: Configure proxy settings

Azure OpenAI Integration

Configure Azure OpenAI services with:

  • azure_openai_deployment_name
  • azure_openai_endpoint
  • azure_openai_api_version
  • azure_openai_key

Multimodal Processing

Enable advanced multimodal processing with:

  • vendor_multimodal_api_key
  • use_vendor_multimodal_model
  • vendor_multimodal_model_name

Supported File Types

The client supports a wide range of file formats including:

  • Documents: PDF, DOCX, DOC, RTF, TXT
  • Presentations: PPT, PPTX
  • Spreadsheets: XLS, XLSX, CSV
  • Images: JPG, PNG, TIFF
  • And many more

See SUPPORTED_FILE_TYPES constant for the complete list.

Error Handling

By default, the client will return nil and print an error message if something goes wrong. You can change this behavior with the ignore_errors option:

# Raise errors instead of returning nil
client = Llamaparserb::Client.new(api_key, ignore_errors: false)


By default, the client uses Ruby's standard Logger with output to STDOUT. You can configure logging in several ways:

# Use default logger with debug level output
client = Llamaparserb::Client.new(api_key, verbose: true)

# Use default logger with info level (less output)
client = Llamaparserb::Client.new(api_key, verbose: false)

# Use custom logger
custom_logger = Logger.new('llamaparse.log')
custom_logger.level = Logger::INFO
client = Llamaparserb::Client.new(api_key, logger: custom_logger)

# Use Rails logger in a Rails app
client = Llamaparserb::Client.new(api_key, logger: Rails.logger)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/heidar/llamaparserb.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.