A parser to generate a tree structure from a logical search query string using treetop.
- ruby 2.3+
- treetop 1.6+
- activerecord 4.2+ (optional)
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'logical_query_parser'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install logical_query_parser
You can parse a logical query string as follows:
parser = LogicalQueryParser.new
parser.parse('a AND b')
# return value is a syntax tree of treetop
=> SyntaxNode+Exp0+ExpNode offset=0, "a AND b" (any):
SyntaxNode+Cond0+CondNode offset=0, "a AND b" (lexp,logic,rexp):
SyntaxNode+Literal0+LiteralNode offset=0, "a" (word,negative):
SyntaxNode offset=0, ""
SyntaxNode+WordNode offset=0, "a":
SyntaxNode+Atom0 offset=0, "a":
SyntaxNode offset=0, ""
SyntaxNode offset=0, "a"
SyntaxNode offset=1, " ":
SyntaxNode offset=1, " "
SyntaxNode+AndNode offset=2, "AND"
SyntaxNode offset=5, " ":
SyntaxNode offset=5, " "
SyntaxNode+Exp0+ExpNode offset=6, "b" (any):
SyntaxNode+Literal0+LiteralNode offset=6, "b" (word,negative):
SyntaxNode offset=6, ""
SyntaxNode+WordNode offset=6, "b":
SyntaxNode+Atom0 offset=6, "b":
SyntaxNode offset=6, ""
SyntaxNode offset=6, "b"
You can parse quoted strings:
parser = LogicalQueryParser.new
parser.parse('("a a" AND "b b") OR (c AND d)')
You can also parse negative conditions:
parser = LogicalQueryParser.new
parser.parse('("a a" AND NOT "b b") OR (c AND -d)')
Supported operators
- AND / and / &: represents an AND logic.
- OR / or / |: represents an OR logic.
- NOT / -: represents a NOT logic. This should precede to a word or a parenthesis.
- (: represents beginning of a nested expression.
- ): represents end of a nested expression.
- ": represents beginning or end of a quoted word.
- Space: represents a boundary between two words.
For more information, see grammar definition.
Use with ActiveRecord
You can use a syntax tree to compile a SQL statement for activerecord. For example:
class Doc < ActiveRecord::Base
LogicalQueryParser.search("a AND b", Doc.all, :c1, :c2).to_sql
# SELECT "docs".* FROM "docs"
# WHERE (("docs"."c1" LIKE '%a%' OR "docs"."c2" LIKE '%a%') AND ("docs"."c1" LIKE '%b%' OR "docs"."c2" LIKE '%b%'))
Use with associations:
class Doc < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tags
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
LogicalQueryParser.search("a AND b", Doc.all, :c1, :c2, tags: [:c3]).to_sql
# SELECT "docs".* FROM "docs"
# INNER JOIN "tags" ON "tags"."doc_id" = "docs"."id"
# WHERE ((("docs"."c1" LIKE '%a%' OR "docs"."c2" LIKE '%a%') OR "tags"."c3" LIKE '%a%') AND
# (("docs"."c1" LIKE '%b%' OR "docs"."c2" LIKE '%b%') OR "tags"."c3" LIKE '%b%'))
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/kanety/logical_query_parser.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.