Publish and Consume Logplex messages
Logplex is the Heroku log router, and can be found here.
Publishing messages
publisher = Logplex::Publisher.new(logplex_url)
publisher.publish("There's a lady who's sure, all that glitters is gold",
process: 'worker.2', host: 'some-host')
Passing an array of messages to the #publish
method will publish them all in
one request, so some latency optimization is possible:
publisher.publish [ "And as we wind on down the road",
"Our shadows taller than our soul",
"There walks a lady we all know",
"Who shines white light and wants to show"]
The message can also be passed in the form of a Hash, in which case it is formatted as machine readble key/value pairs suitable for metrics collection, eg: log2viz
publisher.publish { vocals: 'Robert Plant', guitar: 'Jimmy Page' }
# produces the message: vocals='Robert Plant' guitar='Jimmy Page'
Consuming messages
You can configure default values for logplex message posting:
Logplex.configure do |config|
config.logplex_url = 'https://logplex.example.com/logs'
config.process = 'stats'
config.host = 'host'
config.publish_timeout = 2
In the example above, it is now not not necessary to specify a logplex URL, process or host when getting a hold of a publisher and publishing messages:
publisher = Logplex::Publisher.new
publisher.publish "And she's buying a stairway to heaven"
Copyright (c) Harold Giménez. Released under the terms of the MIT License found in the LICENSE file.