This is a Logstash filter plugin, that allows to remove not whitelisted fields
This plugin have only one field named "whitelist". As you can guess it stores array of strings, that represent allowed fields. All not specified fields, except for starting with _ (underscore) and @ (at) are deleted. Subfields can be indicated in two ways: by dots or square brackets (like in example below).
rmf {
"whitelist" => ["[a][b][c]", "a.d"]
You can specify multiple subfields dividing them by | symbol and surrounding expression by optional square or round brackets. So you can create pretty complex combination of subfields like:
rmf {
"whitelist" => ["[first][second|other_second]", "start.(second_start|other_second_start).end|other_end"]
With this snippet of code will be created following whitelist:
- [first][second],
- [first][other_second],
- [start][second_start][end],
- [start][other_second_start][other_end],
- [start][second_start][end],
- [start][other_second_start][other_end].
If this construction exists more then on one level, there will be each-with-each combination.